Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald on the Jewish War on White People & on Christmas!
Radio Show

Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald on the Jewish War on White People & on Christmas!

Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald on the Jewish War on White People & on Christmas!

Today Dr. Duke had Professor Kevin MacDonald as his guest for the hour. They talked about the uproar over the NPI conference, which was really not so much due to the roman salutes but because the Jewish question was discussed there for the first time, in particular in Professor MacDonald’s speech.

They went on to talk about the Jewish-led war on Christmas, which is part of the Jewish struggle against white Europeans in general. Professor MacDonald made the point that when whites become a minority they will be subjected to a great deal of hatred and hostility. Dr. Duke pointed out that this officially sanctioned hatred and hostility has already started even though we are still a majority.

This is another fascinating show. Please share it widely.

Click here and look for the show dated 12-8-16.

Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern.

Watch the David Duke Video on this subject: The War on Christmas!