Radio Show

Coffee, the Grammys, Netanyahu’s Son and “Shiksas”—Don’t Miss Dr. Duke’s Latest Radio Show


Dr. David Duke’s latest radio show discusses a wide range of issues including the latest science on the benefits of coffee showing it may be actually the most helpful food and beverage in your diet!

The show also discusses the Grammys, the Jewish extremist assault on our values and culture, and the latest in the uproar and frenzy in Israel over the dating of Netanyahu’s son with a “Shiksa.”

An absolutely riveting program you should share with your friends and loved ones now!

Also remember, if you have not yet read My Awakening take a moment to order it from along with Jewish supremacism and Dr. Duke latest incredible work: The Secret Behind Communism.

Click here for the radio archive and look for the show dated 01-31-14.