Personal Evolution

Cut the Carbs: Sports Nutritionist’s Advice for Successful Dieting

A leading sports nutritionist in Britain has confirmed Dr. David Duke’s advice on the best way to lose weight: to eat yourself slim by consuming the correct foods.

According to an article in the UK’s Daily Mail, by cutting out carbohydrates such as rice and eating four meals a day, sports nutritionist Gavin Allinson says anyone can loose weight and gain stamina.

Allinson recommends starting the day with a breakfast omelette, followed by salad for lunch, soup or a protein shake in the afternoon and then a simple meal of meat and two veg – choosing the likes of broccoli instead of rice or potatoes – in the evening.

The ideal time for dinner is 6pm, followed by some light exercise an hour later.

Hitting the treadmill before breakfast will help your body burn fat more efficiently, but you should avoid swigging Lucozade because it has more calories than the exercise is burning off.

He says we should aim for nine a day rather than five, eating six portions of vegetables and three pieces of fruit.

Pizza is off the menu as it combines carbohydrates and fat but Allinson said that butter is better than margarine. He says Western diets have too much omega-6 in them, which helps cholesterol stick to arteries.

Red wine is fine as an occasional treat but it is best for men to avoid lager unless they wish to cultivate ‘man boobs’.

Allinson also recommends his lime cheesecake recipe for a sweet indulgence, which contains cauliflower and cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is also said to be great as a snack to stave off night time cravings and could also be the the key to an all-important good night’s rest as it contains tryptophan, an amino acid which aids sleep.

And what you cook your food in is just as important as the meal itself: Allinson says virgin olive oil is best for salad dressings but the frying pan needs coconut oil to boost immunity.