Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup
A service of DavidDuke.com
From The Times of Israel
Clinton vows to meet Netanyahu during first month in office
In Forward op-ed, front-runner for Democratic nomination promises to confront Iran, pursue ‘two states for two peoples’
November 5, 2015, 10:04 am
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said she would invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington during her first month in office and dispatch US defense officials to Israel to learn from Israeli commanders what Israel needs to maintain its qualitative military edge over its enemies.
In a Wednesday op-ed in the Jewish Daily Forward newspaper in New York, she promised that as president she “will do everything I can to enhance our strategic partnership and strengthen America’s security commitment to Israel, ensuring that it always has the qualitative military edge to defend itself.
“That includes immediately dispatching a delegation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to meet with senior Israeli commanders. I would also invite the Israeli prime minister to the White House in my first month in office.”
Clinton noted the latest wave of terror attacks in Israel’s cities, saying “this violence must not be allowed to continue. It needs to stop immediately, and Israelis and Palestinians must move back toward the path of peaceful reconciliation. All parties and the international community should condemn any political and religious leader who stokes tensions with irresponsible rhetoric. Many of us have seen the video of a cleric encouraging worshipers to stab Jews as he waves a knife in the air. This incitement needs to end, period.”
From Russia Today
Sweden to refugees: Find a bed or go back to Germany… but don’t look for them at IKEA
Published time: 7 Nov, 2015 04:41
© Robert Nyholm / Reuters
Sweden’s migration minister warned refugees that if they don’t find their own accommodation, they will be deported back to Germany or Denmark. The news comes as Europe’s refugee influx had depleted IKEA’s stockpiles of beds.
The Swedish government told media on Friday that it will no longer be able to provide housing for refugees and migrants arriving in the country, despite Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson’s claims that the migration crisis is not putting “acute” pressure on public finances.
“Those who come here may be met by the message that we can’t arrange housing for them,” Migration Minister Morgan Johansson told reporters. “Either you’ll have to arrange it yourself, or you have to go back to Germany or Denmark again.”
READ MORE: Swedish politician says country ‘facing collapse’ due to mass influx of refugees
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From PressTV
ICC prosecutor must rethink Gaza flotilla probe: Judges

Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) say the court’s prosecutor must reconsider an earlier decision not to open a probe into an Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla back in 2010.
Following a few months of deliberations, judges at the appeals chamber ruled on Friday that prosecutor Fatou Bensouda must rethink her decision against the Gaza flotilla probe.
Judges at The Hague-based court had initially asked Bensouda to reconsider her decision in July, saying she made “material errors in her determination of the gravity” of the case.
The latest decision could force Bensouda to open a full investigation into the case.
READ MORE: Swedish politician says country ‘facing collapse’ due to mass influx of refugees
Last year, Bensouda declined a request by the Indian Ocean island nation of Comoros to investigate the attack on the Turkish Mavi Marmara ship that was sailing under a Comoros flag. She ruled the case was not serious enough to merit an ICC probe.
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From PressTV
Israeli forces kill two more Palestinians

Israeli forces have killed one Palestinian in the occupied West Bank and another in the besieged Gaza Strip.
On Friday, Israeli troops killed an elderly Palestinian woman, whom they accused of running over a number of Israelis, by firing many rounds at her in the town of al-Khalil (Hebron) in the occupied West Bank.
Two other Palestinians who were present at the site of the incident near a gas station were also injured.
Palestinian media also reported that two Israeli soldiers were injured by a Palestinian sniper in the city.
It was also reported that another Israeli was shot and severely injured near Beit Einun, north of al-Khalil on Friday evening.
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From Russia Today
People evacuated from Ekaterinburg airport following bomb threat
Published time: 7 Nov, 2015 11:19
© Konstantin Chalabov / RIA Novosti
About 150 people were rapidly evacuated from Ekaterinburg’s Koltsovo airport in the Russian Urals following a bomb alert, a local law enforcement source told RIA Novosti news agency.
The evacuation was prompted by an anonymous phone call to the airport. A message warning about a bomb later turned out to be a false alert, however.
“The airport has been examined, nothing suspicious has been found,” a police source told TASS.
During the alert, all the passengers inside the building were taken outside, and the passengers from arriving flights were kept on their planes.
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From Russia Today
‘I’m comfortable with my choices’: Snowden on CIA torture, ISIS and surveillance
Published time: 6 Nov, 2015 20:16
Edited time: 6 Nov, 2015 20:22
Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. © Svein Ove Ekornesvaag / NTB Scanpix / Reuters
In an interview with Swedish media, whistleblower Edward Snowden opened up about CIA torture, ISIS, and mass surveillance. Two-and-a-half years after revealing the NSA’s mass surveillance tactics, he says he’s “very comfortable” with his choices.
The interview, conducted by journalists Lena Sundström and Lotta Härdelin for Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter newspaper, took place at a Moscow hotel. Just as you might expect at the beginning of an interview, the two reporters began by asking Snowden how he’s doing.
“It’s hard for me to talk about what it’s like, because anything I say is going to be used by US critics. If I say good things about Russia, you know, like ‘it’s not hell,’ then they’ll be like ‘he fell in love with the Kremlin’ or something like that. If I say something terrible, then it’s the same thing. Then they’ll go ‘oh, he hates it in Russia, you know he’s miserable,’” Snowden told the journalists.
The whistleblower was, however, willing to speak about what he misses the most – his family.
“But I’m very comfortable with the choices I’ve made. I can still see my family when they come here to visit. I can still communicate with anyone anywhere,” he said, adding that the conditions of exile have changed with today’s modern world.
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From The Independent
Ben Carson says pyramids were ‘built by biblical figure Joseph to store grain’

From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Ben Carson’s pyramid theory toppled by Jewish archaeologist
(JTA) — A Jewish expert on biblical archaeology said she knows of no scholar or archaeologist who agrees with Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s theory that Joseph built the Egyptian pyramids.
In an email interview with The Associated Press, Jodi Magness, who holds the senior endowed chair in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, said scholars and archaeologists are in agreement that the pyramids were built to be royal tombs and not, as Carson says, as grain storage when the biblical Joseph was advising the pharaoh.
Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist, said Thursday that he stands by statements he made about the pyramids in a 1998 video that was posted on BuzzFeed earlier this week.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Porn star Joanna Angel says Orthodox parents accept her
(JTA) — American porn star Joanna Angel told a British newspaper that her Orthodox Jewish parents in New Jersey have been accepting of her career choices.
In an article on how parents of people working in adult entertainment reacted upon learning about their work, Angel, 34, told the Daily Mail that her parents offered business advice and defended her against judgmental relatives.
Angel runs the alternative porn website BurningAngel.com, which according to the Daily Mail is “one of the biggest in the alternative adult industry.”
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