Can Anyone Tell Me?
Listen to David Duke’s Commentary Broadcast in mp3 streaming download Can anyone tell me why it is not newsworthy to report that Michael Chertoff has close ties to Magdy Elamir,…
Listen to David Duke’s Commentary Broadcast in mp3 streaming download Can anyone tell me why it is not newsworthy to report that Michael Chertoff has close ties to Magdy Elamir,…
Irrefutable Proof That You Can’t Trust America’s Pro-Zionist Media! On Feb. 6, 2003, the Washington Post – under the headline “Irrefutable” – told readers in no uncertain terms: “After Secretary…
ADL Attacks David Duke for Alleging Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 and a Chertoff Coverup! The ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith) has a new press release attacking me and others…
(Pictured Brit Hume and Carl Cameron) Listen! — Massive Isreali Spy Ring Uncovered in America Rep. Duke’s broadcast on Israeli Spyring or Download The Following is the text to my…
James Bamford, a researcher who clearly documented the role of Israel and Jewish extremists behind the American role in Iraq in his book Pretext for War, has now exposed how…
Pentagon to Congress: Bush is Wrong the War is Lost By Paul Craig Roberts September 4, 2006 The Pentagon’s latest quarterly “progress” report to Congress on Iraq is a grim…
Once again David Duke is ahead of the curve By Maria Mathews – Times analyst Since his political race for the U.S. Senate in the 90s, I have noted the…
Criticize Israel? You’re an Anti-Semite! How can we have a real discussion about Mideast peace if speaking honestly about Israel is out of bounds? By Rosa Brooks September 1, 2006…
Why this Immigrant Rights March is Brought to You by Miller By Oscar Avila September 1, 2006 Marchers had to duck into fast-food restaurants for water when they first took…
I am not afraid or reluctant for my website visitors to read uncensored arguments in opposition. But, at least on my site you can hear my point of view as…