Challenging the Power of the Jewish Lobby: What Should Be Done? By James Petras Sept. 26th, 2006 A number of writers have recently written critical articles or reviews about the…

Kill Arabs, Cry Anti-Semitism! By Norman G. Finkelstein Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein has written a recent short article on the effort of the British government to combat “anti-Semitism.” In it…

Who is Pushing Whom into the Sea? Ben Gurion: “We Must Expel the Arabs and Take Their Place” By WILLIAM MARTIN The following is the beginning of an excellent article…

Here is picture of Haifa when it was a Palestinian city. Jewish extremists ethnically cleansed the town and drove the residents into the sea. Read: Why do Palestinians want…

 UN says Israeli overuse of cluster bombs in Lebanon ‘defies belief’ By IMEMC & Agencies September 20th, 2006 Following on a statement by an Israeli commander that the Israeli army…

“Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us…

By KATHLEEN CHRISTISON — Former CIA Analyst Commentary by David Duke –The following is an excerpt and a link to a powerful article by former CIA analyst Kathleen Christison. It…