In a naked suppression of free speech, Zionist-controlled politicians in Belgium ordered police to use water cannon to disperse a peaceful crowd seeking to hold a meeting including the French comic Dieudonne, which Jewish racist, supremacists call “anti-Semitic.” Dieudonne is labelled anti-Semitic by the Jewish media because he dares to expose the crimes of Israel and the Jewish racism that has created such inordinate Jewish influence in international media, politics and banking.
Bending to the Jewish demands, the mayor of the Brussels district of Anderlecht banned both the meeting and any protests connected to it, although the meeting had elicited a huge amount of support and demand for tickets.
In a scene reminiscent of Orwell’s 1984 classic novel on tryanny, Big Brother in Belgium, totally subservient to the Zionists, demanded a peaceful meeting be cancelled as a “threat to public order.”
Eric Tomas, mayor of the Brussels suburb of Anderlecht, told Reuters he had issued an order prohibiting the “First European Dissidents’ Congress” scheduled to be held in the area on Sunday because there was a clear risk of a disturbance to public order.
The event, organized by a far-right group, “Stand up Belgians!”, was to have been addressed by speakers including French comedian Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala, according to the group’s web site.
Dieudonne has been repeatedly fined for “hate speech” in his native France where local authorities in several towns have banned his shows as a threat to public order. “Hate speech” is the Orwellian word used to vilify anyone who exposes the ultra-racist Jewish State of Israel and the Zio globalists across the world.
Dieudonne is closely associated with the “quenelle”, a gesture opposing Zionism that Jewish leaders describe as anti-Semitic as a way to suppress it.
The Belgian League against Anti-Semitism had lodged a legal complaint against the meeting, describing it as a “real day of hatred which would be a framework for the worst gathering of anti-Semitic authors, theoreticians and propagandists in our country since World War Two”. In truth of course, the real hatred is that coming from the Zionists.
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Several hundred people who had planned to attend the meeting gathered in Anderlecht, watched by a line of riot police, while the organizers appealed to Belgium’s top administrative court, which did not immediately rule.
After a standoff lasting several hours, the police moved in with water cannon to disperse the crowd.
“We have seen a total demonstration of anti-democracy … We are in the Soviet Republic of Belgium. All our rights are flouted,” Laurent Louis, an independent member of the Belgian parliament who chairs the “Stand up Belgians!” group, told supporters afterwards.
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The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre rallied behind the calls for a ban, dubbing the event an “anti-Semitic hatefest”.
“The fact that this hatefest is to be held in Brussels, the capital of Europe, the seat of its Parliament… is a threat to democracy reminiscent of the 1920s Weimar Republic, which brought Europe to the Nazi abyss,” the centre’s director for international relations Shimon Samuels warned in a statement.
The truth is of course that there cannot be any Democracy or any freedom without freedom of speech which is the very heart of all other freedoms. Without freedom of speech any tryanny, any crime can be covered up, and what is happening to the world in regard to Zionist wars, Zionist Banking rip offs, and Zionist degradation, violence and degeneration are true crimes against humanity.