Human Diversity Politics

Battle over Illegal Immigration Continues

by Jeff Davis. Once again we have proof that the federal government of the United States wants the illegals here, and will not tolerate any attempt on the part of US citizens to resist that policy.

A recent news article reports “A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that Hazleton, Pa., may not enforce its crackdown on illegal immigrants, dealing another blow to 4-year-old regulations that inspired similar measures around the country. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia said that Hazleton’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act usurped the federal government’s exclusive power to regulate immigration.”

Any claim that the Feds have an “exclusive right” to enforce the law is complete and utter nonsense. Just as a local law officer has the right (not to mention the duty and obligation) to detain someone with a suitcase full of counterfeit $20 bills –even though the Secret Service is technically in charge of counterfeiting– the same law officer has an obligation to arrest illegal aliens.

The article notes “Appeals courts are split on whether states and municipalities have the right to enforce laws dealing with immigration. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments over a 2007 Arizona law that prohibits employers from knowingly hiring illegal immigrants. Hazleton, a northeastern Pennsylvania city of more than 30,000, had sought to fine landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and deny business permits to companies that give them jobs. A companion measure required prospective tenants to register with City Hall and pay for a rental permit. Mayor Lou Barletta had pushed the measures in 2006 after two illegal immigrants were charged in a fatal shooting. The Republican mayor, now mounting his third try for Congress, argued that illegal immigrants brought drugs, crime and gangs to the city of more than 30,000 and overwhelmed police, schools and hospitals.”

In essence the courts are ruling that it is all right for people to break a federal law and that local law enforcement MUST turn a blind eye to this, which is bizarre even by the standards of this insane country’s legal system.

Quite a few Jews are pushing the nonsensical argument that local law enforcement can’t arrest illegals. It’s especially amusing when Jews claim to be “Constitutional scholars” especially considering that there were no Jews involved in drawing up the original US Constitution, which guaranteed White people Rights such as Free Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, which are two Rights the Jews always try to take away from White people in any nation they infest.

The Jews -by the way- are the same people who keep insisting that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not an individual Right, that it only applies to the police and military. Well, what dictatorship in world history ever banned its police and military from having guns? That argument against the Second Amendment is about as valid as claiming the Right to Free Speech only applies to a government-controlled media.

The Jews are coming down heavily against the will of the people on the issue of illegal immigrants. A CNS news article reports “American voters by a wide margin, 60 to 28 percent, disapprove of the way President Barack Obama is handling illegal immigration, and by an even wider margin, 68 to 25 percent, they favor stricter enforcement over integrating illegal immigrants into U.S. society, according to a new national poll by Quinnipiac University.”

If the Jews want to spit in the face of 68 percent of the American public, then let them. The Jews no longer have a monopoly on the news media. They alienate more White people every day. Jewish arrogance appears to be growing worse as they force THEIR agenda of Gay marriage, open borders and political correctness on a White nation that rebels against these attacks.

The appearance of the Tea party and its success in recent primaries has alarmed the Jews who see it as a dangerous populist movement that they can’t control and which opposes most of their policies. The Tea Party is only the tip of the iceberg. If the Jews think they can restore the control they had before the Internet, they are sadly mistaken, and any attempts to clamp down on the Internet will backfire on them.