
Amnesty By Decree, Again?

For about the third time this year, rumors are flying that Obama is going to grant millions of illegal aliens amnesty by decree completely bypassing Congress.

An article in USA Today reports: “The Obama administration is changing the federal immigration enforcement strategy in ways that reduce the threat of deportation for millions of illegal immigrants, even as states such as Arizona, Colorado, Virginia, Ohio and Texas are pushing to accelerate deportations. The changes focus enforcement on immigrants who have committed serious crimes, an effort to unclog immigration courts and detention centers. A record backlog of deportation cases has forced immigrants to wait an average (of) 459 days for their hearings, according to an Aug. 12 report by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), which analyzes government data.”

Why not simply put them on a prison bus headed for Mexico as soon as 50 illegal aliens pile up in any big city? That way, you’d minimize incarceration time and keep deportation costs to a minimum. If they ever enforced the immigration law in Los Angeles, they could be filling up a new bus every two minutes.

USA Today notes “Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director John Morton ordered agency officials on Aug. 20 to begin dismissing deportation cases against people who haven’t committed serious crimes and have credible immigration applications pending.”

If you listen to the John and Ken radio show in Los Angeles, you would hear story after story after story about illegal aliens with multiple felonies on their records, who are finally arrested for murder or a fatal drunk driving accident. Our government is definitely not deporting all Mexican felons. Even that is a hollow promise. Exactly how many illegal aliens have “credible applications pending” and should that even matter? Millions of people are applying to get into the US from all over the Third World and most are turned down. They’re supposed to stay in their country. Now some Mexican simply has to apply for US citizenship and then sneak across the border and stay as long as he likes, thanks to Obama’s new directive.

The article continues ” A proposed directive from Morton posted on ICE’s website for public comment last month would generally prohibit police from using misdemeanor traffic stops to send people to ICE. The directive said exceptions would be made in certain cases, such as when immigrants have serious criminal records. ICE officers have been told to ‘exercise discretion’ when deciding whether to detain ‘long-time lawful permanent residents, juveniles, the immediate family members of U.S. citizens, veterans, members of the armed forces and their families, and others with illnesses or special circumstances.”

How the hell does an illegal alien get into the armed forces to begin with? Is the army really that desperate for cannon fodder for Iraq and Afghanistan? It sounds like those new directives are intended to specifically undercut the Arizona immigration law. Assuming SB1070 is found to be Constitutional and Arizona starts rounding up illegal aliens in routine traffic stops, does ICE then refuse to deport them because they weren’t committing serious crimes?

We seriously need to start deporting LARGE NUMBERS of illegal aliens or they –along with the current economic downturn– will drive one state after another into bankruptcy. We cannot provide free public school education and free health care to the children of 20 million illegal aliens.

At least Obama is making this proclamation before the November election so White people can be reminded one more time what the Democrats have in store for us. Hopefully a good percentage of the Republicans will be Tea Party candidates so that we finally get some representation for a change.