The following article from the Sydney Morning Herald reveals the long Jewish religious tradition of not tolerating “snitching.” Jews are not supposed to cooperate with secular authorities in investigations of Jewish criminal suspects. Is it any wonder that in the wake of the massive financial rip-offs of 2008 Jewish prosecutors, judges, and regulators failed to put a single Jewish banker in prison?
Jewish sex abuse victims pressured not to assist police, secret tapes and emails reveal
Members of Australia’s Orthodox Jewish community who assist police investigating alleged child sexual abuse have been pressured to stay silent, secret tape recordings and emails obtained by Fairfax Media reveal.
The details of the pressure being exerted on victims have emerged as the Royal Commission into child sex abuse prepares to hold public hearings next week to examine the responses of Melbourne and Sydney’s yeshivah centres to alleged offences dating back to the 1980s.
In one secret, legally recorded 2011 telephone conversation, prominent Melbourne criminal lawyer Alex Lewenberg tells a victim of St Kilda Yeshivah centre sex offender David Cyprys he should not have co-operated with police.

Prominent criminal barrister Alex Lewenberg allegedly told a victim of a sex offender he should not have co-operated with police. Photo: Penny Stephens
“I am not exactly delighted that another Yid [Jew] would assist police against an accused no matter whatever he is accused of and that is the reason why I was very disappointed,” Mr Lewenberg, who was defending Cyprys at the time of the conversation, told the victim.
“Because there is a tradition, if not a religious requirement that you do not assist against Abraham and I was concerned about that … moserprinciple. Moseris well known.”
Mr Lewenberg was referring to the Jewish tradition of mesirah under which a Jew does not inform secular authorities about another Jew. Members of ultra-orthodox communities who assist police are often ostracised and given the derogatory label of “moser” or informer.