The financial rock slide that will eventually bury the state of California has begun. A Reuters article reports “Two years after Vallejo, California, filed for bankruptcy protection, officials in nearby…

Barack Hussein Obama just slapped us all right in the face… again. There are all kinds of articles about the nomination of the repulsive Jewess Elena Kagan. One article notes…

Barack Hussein Obama just slapped us all right in the face… again. There are all kinds of articles about the nomination of the repulsive Jewess Elena Kagan. One article notes…

An article on WorldNetDaily reports that Campbell Brown has announced ” ‘I’m quitting this ratings dumpster’ …CNN’s news anchor at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, is quitting the cable network, and…

The New York Stock Exchange on Black Thursday, October 24th, 1929 did not collapse in one big huge crash, thus immediately bringing on the Great Depression. There was a “sucker’s…

The Jewish media has been dismissive of the Tea Party movement from the start. They denied it media coverage. They pretended that it was a fringe movement. They didn’t even…