The announcement in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper that that a new memorial to “homosexuals persecuted by the Nazis” will be built in Tel Aviv at a cost of $42,000 (no doubt ultimately financed by the American taxpayer) has highlighted the important role played by Jewish Supremacists in promoting homosexuality in western nations.
According to the Haaretz report, “Tel Aviv has over recent years become noted as one of the world’s most gay-friendly cities, with a popular pride parade and thriving LGBT community. MK Nitzan Horowitz is currently running to become the city’s first openly gay mayor.”
The cause of homosexuality is hotly debated: many argue that it is something with which certain people are born, while others argue persuasively (though twin studies) that is a learned behaviour which is greatly influenced by the environment—in other words, that a great many homosexuals are homosexual because of the permissiveness and open promotion of that lifestyle by the media and popular culture.
There has to be a great deal of the truth to the latter claim, although most certainly there is at least a small element of truth to the “born that way” argument as well, as anyone familiar with “effeminate” men and “butch” women can confirm.
Whatever the cause, one thing is however very clear: Jewish Supremacists are unquestionably the major driving force behind the promotion of, the legal sanction of, and the active encouragement of homosexuality in modern society.
What are the facts about Jewish Supremacists and the promotion of homosexuality?
1. In May 2013, US vice president Joe Biden “lauded the influence of Judaism on the United States, specifically mentioning the efforts of Jews on gay rights issues,” according to the Jerusalem Post.
“Biden pointed to American television sitcom Will and Grace – whose protagonists are a gay lawyer and his Jewish best friend – alongside social media, as examples of game-changing factors in the battle for gay marriage rights. ‘That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes,’” the Jerusalem Post reported.
2. The Jspace Jewish news network reported in June 2013 that “Jewish Groups [were] celebrating the ‘significant victory’ for gay marriage.”
According to the Jspace report, “Jewish leaders were already stepping out to lend congratulations and messages of solidarity,” following a US Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage.
“The decision came at a 5-4 split, with all three Jewish Justices—Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan—voting with the majority. Likewise, the suit challenging the 1996 federal DOMA inclusion was brought to the Supreme Court by a Jewish plaintiff, Edith Windsor,” Jspace reported.
“’There is no more central tenet to our faith than the notion that all human beings are created in the image of the Divine, and, as such, entitled to equal treatment and equal opportunity,’ the Union for Reform Judaism said in a statement.”
“Those thoughts were echoed by a host of other Jewish organizations, from the Rabbinical Assembly and American Jewish World Service to the National Coalition of Jewish Women.
“The overwhelming Jewish support reflects a national trend. A 2013 Pew Research study found 76 percent of Jews support gay marriage, a number larger than even that recorded for self-described liberals, which came in at 74 percent. Similarly, three of the four main sects of Judaism—Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist—ordain openly gay rabbis, and also allow its rabbis to perform gay marriage ceremonies,” the Jspace article said.
3. The National Jewish Committee is behind continuing efforts to force homosexuals into the Boy Scouts movement of America, the JWeekly Jewish news service reported in May 2013.
“In February, the National Jewish Committee on Scouting voted overwhelmingly to urge an end to such discrimination in the scouting movement.
“That same organization will continue to lobby for further liberalization of the scouts’ bylaws, to allow the admission of openly gay Eagle Scouts and gay scout leaders,” Jweekly said in its article.
According to an article in the Times of Israel from May 2013, “Jewish Scouting leaders are taking a vocal role in efforts to pass a historic resolution that would partially lift a ban on gays in the Boy Scouts of America.”
The same month, the Boy Scouts of America voted to lift the ban on homosexuals.
4. The leading Jewish Supremacist pressure group, the ADL, has, according to its own website, a “longstanding commitment to protecting civil rights, particularly those that affect the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.”
“For nearly twenty years, ADL has ardently advocated in the courts on behalf of LGBT rights. ADL has filed amicus briefs and joined coalition briefs on issues that directly affect the LGBT community. This has included filings on the appellate levels in both state and federal courts.
“ADL has filed amicus briefs in a number of cases urging courts to hold a ban on marriage equality unconstitutional, and has been a strong voice advocating against measures to deny that fundamental right” and the “ADL has emerged as the nation’s leader in crafting and advocating for inclusive state and federal hate crime laws,” that organization boasts.
5. The Jerusalem Post reported in February 2013 that the “The Anti-Defamation League has brought together a number of religious and Zionist organizations in what it is calling a ‘broad coalition in support of marriage equality.’
“Among the Jewish groups that have joined the ADL’s coalition are the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Women of Reform Judaism, Hadassah – The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Truah: Rabbis for Human Rights – North America and the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.”
6. The remarkably long list of Jewish Supremacist activists in the homosexual movement is also serious reason for concern. A comprehensive list of prominent activists, too long to include here, can be found at this link.
Some of the more prominent–and particularly repulsive specimens–are:
6.1 Larry Kramer: Co-founder of “Act Up,” a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis.
6.2 Alan Klein: Co-founder of group ACT UP, co-founder of group Queer Nation, National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].

6.3 Arnie Kantrowitz: Co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].
6.4 Jonathan D. Katz: Founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest homosexual studies institute in the world. A long time gay political activist, was a co-founder of Queer Nation.

6.5 Israel Fishman: Founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970, now known as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table.
6.6 Bella Abzug. The first members of the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation [1974].

6.7 Len Hirsch: President of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE.
6.8 Kevin Koffler: Editor-in-chief, Genre gay magazine.
6.9 Judy Wieder: Editor-in-chief, The Advocate gay magazine.

6.10 Barney Frank: Member of U.S. Congress; helped create non-discriminatory employment policies in all U.S. federal agencies
6.11 Evan Wolfson: Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund — and — the executive director of Freedom to Marry.

6.12 Allan Ginsburg: Jewish poet and leading member of North American Man Boy Love Association.
6.13 Roberta Achtenberg: Civil rights lawyer and federal official; appointed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

7. It is well known that Jewish Supremacists dominate the pornography industry. According to the Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2004, “Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana.”
The Jewish Quarterly goes on to state that the two most dominant players in the porn industry—which includes a massive homosexual output—are “Jewish Clevelander Steven Hirsch, who has been described as ‘the Donald Trump of porno’” who “runs the Vivid Entertainment Group, which has been called the Microsoft of the porn world, the top producer of ‘adult’ films in the US” and “Seymore Butts, aka Adam Glasser . . . a 39-year-old New York Jew” who runs “one of the largest franchises in the adult-film business.”
The Jewish Quarterly also added that “Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers as well as a sizeable number of female stars in porn movies.”
Even from this necessarily brief roundup, it is clear that Jewish Supremacists have played, and still play, the leading role in promoting homosexuality in western society.
This fact alone, quite apart from any others, should provide all Gentiles with pause to reconsider lifestyle choices in matters of sexuality. Jewish Supremacists never do anything that is not primarily against the interests of Gentiles and in the interests of Jews.
It is far more likely that the open promotion of this lifestyle forms part of a comprehensive “divide and conquer” strategy by the Jewish Supremacists against their most prominent of self-chosen enemies: European western society and its standards and norms.
By encouraging a “bloc” of homosexual activists, the Jewish Supremacists have created yet another “minority” group to agitate and divide the power structure of any potential opposing forces.
It is a tactic which is as old as Judaism itself.
(This article originally ran on August 22, 2013