
David Duke: Some Comments on Nick Griffin

I do think that Nick will get some sympathy for the ambush on him at the BBC, but I don’t think that such is the best scenario. I would much rather be reading media attacks how “effective he is for his terrible ideas,” etc.

The show was a setup from the beginning. A trap. The way you defeat such a trap is to expose it. You don’t clap for an African American woman who is essentially saying that you are an ignorant fool. You don’t remain silent as the moderator goes to person after person, each saying outrageous things about you.

You Stop everything, stand up and you expose to the viewing audience that this is a con job from the beginning. When they let people in the audience supposedly ask questions that are just attacks, you demand to answer those questions, one at time, and respond to them. You may defend yourself and correct inaccuracies, but then you immediately go on the attack righteously.

Such as, to the attack of being a racist you might say, ” I am no racist for simply defending my heritage, but you are the true racist for trying to destroy my heritage in my own homeland. You are the racist with your so-called affirmative discrimination that racially discriminates against Britons in jobs and promotions and scholarships and the like. You are the racist in constantly attacking White people for colonialism and racism, but then support the Third World colonization of Britain. You are the racist for creating a situation where tens of thousands of innocent  Britons are now victims of crime and violence.”

Or, he might say:

“You keep saying that I represent hate, or am motivated by hatred. Look at the sneering and vicious character of my opponents and you will see the real hate. I am motivated by a deep love of Britain and the wonderful heritage of the English, and Welsh, and Scots, and Irish that built the nation that has given the world so much literature, science, art and beauty!”

You don’t keep your head down in your notes, but hold your head up high, unflinching amidst the attacks on you, and then demand the right to respond to the nasty attacks on you character.

You don’t weasel, you go on the attack, not in a nasty, gratuitous way, but in a forthright way. Such as,

“Mr. Straw, you talk of your Jewish heritage and lineage and you ardently support the Israeli terrorist, apartheid state. Why do you support Israel as a Jewish State, support their terrorist suppression of the Palestinian indigenous people, but then try to destroy the heritage of Britain and the British people? Why are you so much for preserving Jewish heritage but so opposed to preserving British heritage?”

Nick said some good things in  pointing out that unlike Straw he opposed the Iraq war, but then ruined it all by supporting the Zionist murder in Gaza! He should have stuck the rhetorical knife in Straw and pointed out that he did not speak out forcefully against the Israeli mass murder and maiming in Gaza. Of course, how could he, because he had already tried to ingratiate himself with the Jewish extremists by defending their murder in Gaza.

If he would have done things, been more aggressive in his defense, stood up from his chair, and showed the hypocrisy of his enemies, the show, despite its trap, would have been a great victory.

For instance, why didn’t he point out to the attacking audience, that there are thousands of organizations in Britain which specifically support non-Whites and the non-White social and political agenda, and many are supported by the government. Many of  them openly proclaim that they are activists for the interests of their group, so how dare they say that Britain can’t even have one party that defends the founding people of Britain. What hypocrisy!

“You are right,” he could say, “we have a real problem with racism in Britain, racism against the people who created and sustain this great country!”

I wish Nick Griffin the best of luck, but I hope that he will learn how to play the hardball one must play when combating these hypocrites. If so, he will move from the EU Parlament to #10 Downing Street.

Just a few notes for you…

david duke