
David Duke on Nick Griffin — More Comments

Originally Posted by Alex Nightshade. From all I’ve read and heard about this I say Nick Griffin has shown himself to be a man of courage. Putting himself out there on the line like he did on that show was like walking into a lions den, there was no way on earth he was ever gonna get a fair hearing, no way, but at least he had the guts to do it and probably won a whole lot more regular fair-minded White folks over to his party….

I too think Nick Griffin is a man of courage. He can’t even walk on the streets of London without fear of physical attack. I think he has some great talents. For one, he has been the best organizer the BNP has ever had.

All that being said, some other things should be said.

1) I don’t think the recent success of the BNP was a result of them “compromising away” their image. It was the product of a) Better organization (as I said), something we must give Griffin credit for, and that b) Immigration is a far more clear threat to Britain than ever before.

2) As the BBC program showed, he will not get an ounce of reprieve for praising Israel or abandoning our essential principles. You can’t be attacked more than he was on that show. When he said he met with me to save kids from being “led astray by David Duke,” that comment was transparently dishonest to every viewer. Not only did the comment not help him, it hurt him and made him seem disingenuous, as did a number of other things he said during the show.

3) Apart from what he said, his personal style on the program was horrendous, and must be corrected.

No matter who the debater or what the subject, as I have been saying, you must defend, parry and then aggressively but (honorably) go after your enemy after they attack you. You must turn their attack on you back on its face and expose the real crimes of those who are destroying our White homelands.

If done with dignity, and sometimes even with a little humor, few Britons will have any problem with a man simply standing up for our heritage and freedom, and huge numbers will applaud it and be motivated by it. You must hold your head and chin up, whenever you can you must make eye contact directly with whatever red lit camera is on. You should look impassive or sometimes disdainful at the attacks of your enemy, (never look like you appreciate or approve the attacks upon you or the person who is trying to make you look like a fool or the devil), and then you come back at them hard when it is your turn, and sometimes you have to fight for your turn to even defend yourself. You stand up for yourself when they try to run over. You must demand to respond to each and every attack, one at a time. You constantly must show that it is the accuser who is the one really guilty of immoral and destructive behavior.

When they went from one accusation (rather than the title of the show “Questions”) to another, Nick should have stood up in his chair and demanded the right to reply to scurrilous attacks. He didn’t look polite by sitting there silently and lamely, he looked terribly weak, like one who might be guilty of the accusations because he was not appalled enough by them to even attempt to respond.

If you have a problem panel or audience you must directly appeal to the most important audience, the 8 million sitting at home watching you from their living room. You remind them that this studio audience is not them, it is not their family, their neighborhood, not of their heritage and that you are in the lion’s den, in the lion’s den for them! You must speak directly to them because they know what you know, that the transformation of Britain to a non-British, non-European country is catastrophic and a huge crime against the British people and against fundamental human rights.

The most powerful points you repeat and bore in. When you have your debating opponent on the ropes, you finish him off. Nick pointed out that he was, unlike Straw, opposed to the disaster of the Iraq War. But Nick should have waded in and made the death blow of argument saying something like, you are responsible for the lives and limbs of thousands of Brits and 2 million Iraqis in a war based on lies, and you have the nerve to question my morality, you hypocrite. If I were in your position, we would have not gone into that insane war! And your policies on immigration are just as devastating. We have lost even more Brits, including the most innocent of us, thousands of women and children, beaten, robbed, raped or killed due to the massive numbers of brutal crimes that have come from your destructive immigration policy! That is a fact that cannot be denied, but one that is ignored by our controlled media and controlled politicians.

That’s how you do it.

Nick had chances to speak, one always does, but it is vital you use those chances to say the things that have power with our people, and that show you are a man of principle and don’t give a damn what anyone thinks, you will tell what you think to be the truth, no matter what. Even many of your enemies will respect you for that, but no one respects a prevaricator.

By saying these things, I am not saying that Nick has to say all the things that I say or even go into every area. In fact sometimes he should steer away from issues that are not on point, that give him no traction with the direct issues of the day. In my opinion the Holocaust is an example of that.

He will not win a vote by saying the Holocaust did not happen or by bringing it up as a great crime against humanity to please the Jewish extremists. But, he loses a lot of votes by acting as though he is hiding his true views or that he can’t speak because he is afraid of prosecution.

For instance, on the Holocaust he should again go on the offensive. If they talk about his former positions of questioning the Holocaust, he should parry, tell them that he thinks terrible atrocities occurred, but then go on the attack and say something like, “Many of you here are appalled that Tibetans have been jailed in China for their opinions of the Dalai Lama, but you remain silent on the jailing of thousands in Europe for expressing dissident historical opinions. People in Britain are now afraid to speak out for fear of being arrested for thought crimes, and the government promotes these terrible abuses against human rights of free speech.”

And one more point he might offer, “Why do we hear about the Holocaust every day of our media lives, while almost nothing is heard of the greatest human murder and torture and imprisonment in all of human history, that of Bolshevism. The truth is that this saturation is so that we are blinded to the horrible ethnic crimes against the Palestinian people. You want to demonize me, but gentlemen, I am the one person on this panel that truly believes in freedom of speech, thought and conscience, unlike you who remain silent about this brutal suppression of human rights.”

Again, my friends, in political debate one must always come out with strength at the end of every argument, almost every paragraph. It is even possible to acknowledge mistakes or missteps as long as you make clear in the same breath, your mission to save our heritage and freedom and give the audience who aches for someone to stand up for them.

Nick can fill the vacuum in Britain, but when he prevaricates, instead of filling the vacuum, he sucks out the breath of his own inspiring message.

A great opportunity came and went with the show.

But Nick, who gives an aggressive wonderful speech, can capitalize on the many opportunities that will be given to him because of appearing on this huge show. In those new shows he can follow some of these caveats and make up somewhat for his lost chance.

Surely, he will be given similar opportunities in the future.

What this thread is all about is informing him honestly about his performance and encouraging him to follow the formula proven to inspire and motivate his followers and bring new people to his ranks.

I don’t hate Nick for his disparaging remarks against me, but for the sake of the Movement and the ideas I think we ultimately share, he must fundamentally change the approach he uses with the media.

Hopefully, when these posts of mine reach him, he will ponder them carefully and thoughtfully.

These posts are also for our young lions in the Movement who will someday be our leaders both in the US and all over the European World.

I may not be as good an organizer as Nick, but despite of that fact I got over 60 percent of White votes in two statewide elections, and that achievement was from a man easily demonized with pictures of KKK robes, swastikas and lit crosses. If I can do that and not compromise everything away, so can Nick and so can you.

Be a Braveheart Nick, and you will be the man for whom Britain has prayed and waited!

Best wishes to Nick and to all!

David Duke