Peres, who has overseen many of the worst of Israeli human rights violations and is credited with creating Israel’s illegal weapons of mass destruction nuclear arsenal, was praised by president Obama as “the essence of Israel itself — an indomitable spirit that will not be denied.”
The U.S. president also praised Mr. Peres as the symbol of the decades-long alliance between the United States and Israel.
“Shimon knows the necessity of strength, as Ben-Gurion (first prime minister of Israel) said, ‘An Israel capable of defending herself, which cannot be destroyed, can bring peace nearer,’ so he has worked with every American president since John F. Kennedy. That’s why I have worked with Prime Minister Netanyahu, to ensure that the security cooperation between the United States and Israel is closer and stronger than it has ever been. Because the security of the State of Israel is non-negotiable and the bonds between us are unbreakable.”
In his acceptance speech, Mr. Peres praised Mr. Obama for “his lasting friendship” towards the Jewish state.
“I receive this honor today, on behalf of the people of Israel, they are the true recipients of this honor, with this moving gesture, you are paying Mr. President a tribute, to generations upon generations of Jews who dreamed of, fought for, a state of their own, a state that would give them a shelter, as state that they could really defend by themselves.”
The astonishing hypocrisy –that Jews can claim a racially-based state for themselves, and be praised for it—while any other nation wishing to assert that same right is attacked and vilified by those same Jewish Supremacists, illustrates perfectly their power over the US and western governments, and over the mass media.
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