
Will Bush release Jonathan Pollard as a 60th anniversary present to the Jewish State?

Arrest of Israeli Spy Meant to Prevent Release of Pollard

By Mark GlennAFP

In late April, Ben Ami Kadish, an engineer working at the U.S. Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center at the Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, New Jersey was arrested by the FBI on charges he spied for Israel. According to the charges brought against him by the US Justice Department, Kadish (an American citizen who also fought in the Jewish Haganah in the early days of Israel’s beginnings) passed along top secret information to the Jewish state at approximately the same time Jonathan Pollard acted as a spy back in the 1980’s. In addition, Kadish’s handler is said to be Yosef Yagur, the same scientific attaché at the Israeli consulate in New York who handled Pollard.

As with all things dealing the truly ugly side of Israel’s organically-criminal nature, the story was reluctantly covered by the mainstream media in America that made more of the fact that the spying happened a long time ago and ‘isn’t it awful how mean old Uncle Sam is being so rough’ on such a kind, soft-spoken 84 year-old man who donated time and money to worthy Jewish causes. Op-Ed pieces appearing in Jewish-controlled opinion-making outlets accused the USDOJ of the usual business of anti-Semitism and of being pro-Arab while saying nothing of the fact that Kadish passed along nuclear weapons-related secrets to the same Jewish state that years ago sold America’s most sensitive national security information to her then mortal enemy, the Soviet Union.

As it appears however, there is more to the arrest of Kadish than meets the eye. The fact that the USDOJ has chosen to arrest Kadish now, some 20 years after the fact suggests it is a ‘shot across the bow’, meaning a deliberate attempt by rogue elements working in the USDOJ to prevent the release of another spy who stands to do even more damage to US national security than he already did, Jonathan Pollard.

In stories that made little (if any) news in the US, the theme of Pollard’s imminent release from the Butner, North Carolina prison cell where he justly rots away played an unmistakably prominent part of George Bush’s first presidential trip to Israel back in January. With great media fanfare, a section in downtown Jerusalem was renamed ‘Freedom for Jonathon Pollard Square’ a mere few days before Bush’s arrival. Upon landing at Ben Gurion airport he was then deluged with calls to release the convicted spy for Israel who did more damage to US national security than the Rosenbergs could have dreamed of doing if they had a thousand lifetimes. He was later greeted by prominent rabbis and other supporters who called upon him to ‘do God’s will’ by releasing Pollard and who then threatened ‘unpleasant consequences’ if their demands weren’t met. Later in his visit Bush met with Rafael Eitan, the spymaster who oversaw the entire 18 month operation during which Pollard passed over 800,000 pages of SCI (sensitive compartmented information) to the Jewish state. Eitan, knick-named ‘stinking Raffi’ has not stepped foot in the US since that time for fear of being arrested by the FBI, and yet, after the meeting where Bush personally shook his hand as if a deal had been made between the two, Eitan was quoted by the Israeli press saying ‘Pollard will be home soon’.

And all of these items–coupled with the fact George Bush is scheduled to return to Israel in May to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Israel’s return from the grave–indicates that indeed a deal was made for the American president to bring Pollard along with him as a nice fat birthday present to the same Jewish state that pulls Bush’s strings and has been seeking the release of the convicted spy for over a decade.

Those who understand how thoroughly-saturated the US government is by Zionist agents of influence will no doubt be scratching their heads over this one, asking out loud why Uncle Sam would do such a thing if (as is the case) America is truly a puppet to Jewish interests. Such persons will point to the fact that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were (and are) being fought for Israel as well as the fact that in the days and weeks following 911 hundreds of spies working for Mossad were quietly sent back to Israel with little to any media overage.

The answer is simple. In the first case, every prostitute–regardless of the degrading way she earns her daily bread–has limits on what she is willing to endure. But even more important is the fact there are rogue elements working in the areas such as the USDOJ, military, and various intelligence agencies who recognize America is in more danger now than ever before in her history and who are working actively to circumvent Bush and Co from completing America’s present apocalyptic dance with the grim reaper. Proof these rogue elements exist was demonstrated loudly and boldly back in December of 2007 with the release of the National Intelligence Estimate that stated unequivocally Iran was not (and had not been for several years) trying to develop nuclear weapons. With the release of this document, what these rogue elements sought to do (and achieved) was to take the car keys away from a drunkard about to go on a killing spree for Israel’s benefit. The reader will recall the remarks of Admiral William Fallon, commander of CENTCOM (before being ‘retired’ and replaced with the slavish, servile and politically-ambitious Gen. David Petraeus) that ‘we’re trying to put the crazies back in the box’, the ‘crazies’ in this case being a recovering alcoholic-turned apocalyptic born-again Christian who thinks God tells him to go to war against Israel’s enemies, both in the Middle East and beyond. The fact that this report was released just a few days short of Dec 7–‘Pearl Harbor Day’–suggests it was done to preempt a planned US/Israeli false flag attack on a US ship stationed in the Persian Gulf that would naturally be blamed on Iran.

There are other practical reasons for the timing of this present spy scandal involving Ben Ami Kadish being released now as well. Ever since the days of the Reagan administration, counter-intelligence assets in the US have been searching for ‘Mega’ a code-named operative working for Israel at the highest levels of the US government acting as an uber-spy for all kinds of operations. From his (or her) high position, sayanim (Zionist spies) operating throughout the US defense and intelligence agencies have been directed to perform all sorts of tasks including the theft of industrial and national security secrets. The fact that Kadish was tasked with pilfering specifically-named documents means that someone high up in US national security circles knew of their existence. One such person suspected of being ‘Mega’ is former #3 man at the state department Marc Grossman who, as indicated by the testimony of former FBI translator Sibel Edmunds, arranged for high-level security clearances for Israeli spies working in sensitive areas of the US national security establishment. In short, the Kadish affair may be a way of preparing the American people for a soon-to-be unfolding scandal of–for lack of a better word, biblical proportions. As well, the release of Pollard from prison, in addition to giving the green light to otherwise-reluctant Zionist assets deeply-embedded in the US national security establishment–would initiate ‘Pt II’ of the nightmare that began some 20 years ago, since he is referred to as a ‘walking library’ of sensitive information, the release of which can still do substantial harm to the US.

While there is reason for hope there is also reason for caution in this latest development involving the spy Kadish. If Israel does not get her boy (Pollard) back this time around rest assured she will not give up. Neocons associated with a future President John McCain will no doubt achieve with him what they were not able to get with George Bush.

Besides, it’s not as if Bush is going to the birthday bash completely empty-handed, as California governor Arnold Shwarzenegger has just authorized the release of 30 Israeli felons (convicted of murder, drug running, money laundering, fraud and whatnot) from the prisons in his state so that they can make aliyah back to Israel.

2008 by Mark Glenn, Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper


