
Why Arizona Passed a Tough Immigration Law First

Ever wonder why, with all 50 states suffering from the inundation of illegal aliens, Arizona was finally the state that called it quits and passed a law allowing local cops to at least check on immigration status? Here’s a good example of what the people of Arizona have been forced to put up with.

A recent news article reports “The gruesome case of a man who was stabbed and beheaded in a suburban Phoenix apartment has police investigating whether the killing is an example of Mexican drug cartel violence spilling over the border. Martin Alejandro Cota-Monroy’s body was found Oct. 10 in a Chandler apartment – his severed head a couple feet away. One man suspected in the killing has been arrested, and a manhunt is under way for three others. Detectives are focused on whether the men belong to a Mexican drug cartel, and they suspect that Cota-Monroy’s killing was punishment for stealing drugs. The brutal nature of the killing could be designed to send a message to others within the cartel. ‘If it does turn out to be a drug cartel out of Mexico, typically that’s a message being sent,’ said Chandler police Detective David Ramer. ‘This person was chosen to be executed. It sends a message to other people: If you cross us, this is what happens.’ ”

You’d think a beheading on US soil would get the attention of the mass media and be a major news story for weeks. Is the violent crime that’s been going on south of the border, coming north of the border? Will there be more beheadings? Will there be violent shoot outs between drug gangs and police in our cities now?

The article notes “Decapitations are a regular part of the drug war in Mexico as cartels fight over territory. Headless bodies have been hanged from bridges by their feet, severed heads have been sent to victims’ family members and government officials, and bags of up to 12 heads have been dropped off in high-profile locations. More than 28,000 people have been killed in Mexico in drug-related violence since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderon deployed soldiers to battle the cartels in their strongholds.”

The Mexican Army turned out to be so riddled with corruption and drug cartel spies that the Mexican government had to put together a special force of Marines to attack these drug ranches, where they are resisted by dozens of heavily armed, well-trained gangsters like something out of the movies.

The article continues “The killing could affect the immigration debate in Arizona. Supporters of the state’s controversial immigration law frequently cite this type of violence as reason to crack down on illegal immigrants. The decapitation victim and the suspects were all illegal immigrants. In March, Arizona rancher Robert Krentz was gunned down while checking water lines on his property near the border. Authorities believe that an illegal immigrant, likely a scout for drug smugglers, was to blame for his killing. In May 2009, a Mexican drug cartel lieutenant who became an informant for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was shot eight times outside his pricey home in El Paso. The lieutenant, Jose Daniel Gonzalez Galeana, was living in Texas on a visa that ICE gave him, and is believed to be the first ranking cartel member killed in the U.S.”

The future is looking good for border control if we can just survive the next two years of the Obama mistake. A large infusion of Tea Party candidates in the House and Senate suggests that the will of the White majority may actually make a difference. By 2012 a voter initiative in California that copies SB1070 may actually go into effect. Most Blacks in California don’t want more Mexicans in the state. Even some US citizen Mexicans are not happy about everyone with a pair of tennis shoes from Mexico trying to sneak into the US. Don’t be too shocked if that proposition passes. It’s only a matter of months until Arizona’s SB1070 will reach the Supreme Court, and if it is upheld (as it should be), then Arizona can get into the serious business of deporting illegal aliens as well as all of the other states that are all set to copy Arizona’s law.