Human Diversity Politics

What will become of the ‘American Dream’?

The Next Added 100 MILLION Americans

By Frosty Wooldridge
September 28th, 2006

Consequences of Human Tsunami

According to a front page feature story in USA TODAY, July 5, 2006, “A NATION OF 300 MILLION”, the United States surpasses 300,000,000 people by the end of October. Their current demographic prediction, based on accelerating immigration-pushed growth levels, shows America adding 100 million people by 2040.

For those asleep at the wheel—that’s 34 years from now—a blink in time.

To place this kind of horrific growth rate into perspective, it resembles a human tsunami. Much like nature’s earthquakes that occurred beneath the surface last year, the wave of energy sped under the ocean for hours and hundreds of miles without notice. Once it hit the shoreline in Sri Lanka, it created cataclysmic devastation and tens of thousands of deaths. Why? No one suspected it. No one took action to save themselves. They didn’t know it was coming. Once it hit, everyone became victims! The tsunami rendered a human tragedy of epic proportions!

The U.S. Senate in May, 2006 passed S.B. 2611 that doubled current immigration levels from 1.0 million to 2.0 million annually. It increased work visas by tens of thousands. It continued allowance for millions in chain migration. It allowed millions more in anchor babies. The senate bill did nothing to stop illegal immigration estimated by Time Magazine in a feature story on September 20, 2004, that showed three million people crossing into America illegally every year. It did not stop the 50,000 annual diversity visas that allow that many people to come to America from the poorest countries in the world. It added more visas that allow more foreigners to gain jobs and anchor babies in America that assures they never return to their home countries.

The bill did not take into account that millions of people arriving from Third World countries do not change their large family propensities of six to eight and more children per couple.

What does that mean to American citizens? What about our overloaded cities? Overwhelmed schools? How about our water, farm land, energy, air quality, food sources, species habitat, and dozens of other issues? Is there any way to stop it? Does anyone understand the ominous consequences? (….Full Article)
