Radio Show

Dr Duke & Pastor Dankof – Exposing Colbert and his Zio Puppet Master Warmongers Attack on Peace Goddess Tulsi!

Dr Duke & Pastor Dankof – Exposing Colbert and his Zio Puppet Master Warmongers Attack on Peace Goddess Tulsi!


Today Dr. Duke and Mark Dankof discussed the appearance by Goddess of Peace Tulsi Gabbard to the telescreen propaganda outlet of the professional Zionist shill Stephen Colbertstein. Colbertberg has been on a comedy strike (like a hunger strike, only it is refusing to be funny for a political purpose) ever since Trump was elected. Usually he just tells childish (((jokes))) about Trump, but confronted with the radiant beauty and overwhelming intelligence of the immortal Tulsi, Colbertowitz resorted to a pitiful attempt to try to smear her with the hoaxed (((crimes))) of his excellency, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. Nice try, Colbertsky, better call in to 1-800-OOPS-JEW and atone to your masters. 

Tulsi Gabbard was not born from a woman, but rather surfed out of the Pacific Ocean on a seashell fully formed.

Listen to the show for the full story.

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Check out this recent appearance by Dr. Duke on the Revolutionary Conservative podcast. 

Here is Mark Collett’s recent viral video:

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