Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — The article below contains some interesting information about the most imminent threat to our existence. Not tsunamigration, that will take decades destroy us. Not ISIS, which as bestial as it is hardly represents an existential threat. It is World War III with Russia, which could be just a Hillary election away. I stumbled upon the article while following up on some statements by Professor Stephen Cohen, for whom I see Paul Craig Roberts shares my admiration. I like the way Roberts sums up the election: “if you vote for Hillary you are definitely voting for the end of the world.”
The article brings out the facts that we are so close to war with Russia, that the Russians are in a state of high alert, that it is the United States that is the aggressor, and that the American public is completely in the dark, despite this being the highest profile election in recent history. What the article lacks is an explanation of why we are pushing Russia to the brink of war, which is of course the Jewish vendetta against Putin for pushing back against the Jewish takeover of post Soviet Russia.
People like Roberts, or Cohen for that matter, know that if they start raising the Jewish issue, whatever access they have to their audiences through the main stream media will be permanently lost. In the cases of these two gentlemen, I am willing to give them a pass because of the overall quality and importance of their work. It needs to reach their audiences.
However, there is a cost associated with not naming those responsible for our disastrous policies. Leaving out the Jewish role leaves a vacuum in the explanation, which needs to be filled in. Both Roberts and Cohen refer to “neocons,” which many, but certainly not all, people will recognize as being primarily Jewish. The problem is that others who are not willing (or perceptive enough) to call out the Jews will finds more problematic scapegoats: the “left,” the “right,” the military-industrial complex, the CIA, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, Nazis, reptile people, or what have you.
We will never solve our problems until we face up to who is creating them. But, for this year at least, I am willing to settle just for not dying in a global Armageddon.
Will The November US Presidential Election Bring The End Of The World?
by Paul Craig Roberts May 28, 2016 1 Comment
No matter what you think of Trump, if you vote for Hillary you are definitely voting for the end of the world.

“We have been watching for nearly a month a steady buildup of American and NATO forces along Russia’s borders – on land, on sea and in the air. There has been nothing like this on Russia’s borders, such an amassing of hostile military force, since the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.”
So concludes America’s leading Russian expert, Professor Stephen Cohen (Princeton and New York Univesity).
Professor Cohen asks if Washington is sleepwalking and needs to wake up or whether Washington has gone crazy and intends war.
Pepe Escobar advises Washington to “beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war.”
Escobar reports that recently the Rand Corporation, “essentially a CIA outpost,” concluded that “Russia could overrun NATO in a mere 60 hours, if not less.” On the level of nukes and missile systems, Russia is four generations ahead of the US military/security complex, which is mainly interested in inflating profits with cost overruns. US weapons systems are simply outclassed.
Nevertheless, the Russian high command is concerned with the Russian government’s low-key response to Washington’s aggression. The generals blame the “Atlanticists Integrationists” who infect Putin’s government. This faction is believed to be organized around Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and believes Russia should make concessions to Washington in order to be accepted as part of the West. The incompetent Russian central bank and neoliberal economists are part of the faction whose goal is to be part of the West regardless of its impact on Russian independence from Washington’s Empire.
Stephen Cohen and Alastair Crooke, a former British secret agent, almost alone in the West have noticed that the Russian military and predominate part of the government that emphasizes national sovereignty are putting pressure on President Putin to eliminate those in the government who are willing to compromise Russia’s independence in order to gain acceptance by Washington.
This has been my own opinion for some time. It is impossible to adequately stand up to an external threat when unreliable elements are part of the threatened government.
If Putin is forced to remove Washington’s agents from his government, as he must do if Russia is to survive Washington’s plots, he must not let them leave Russia. If they escape, they will end up in Washington to be used as Washington’s Russian government in exile. If Putin doesn’t want to put them on trial for treason, then a form of national house arrest would be a solution.
Alastair Crooke writes that Washington is miscalculating by seeking unipolar hegemony and, thus, is forcing Putin into the camp of the nationalists who value Russia’s sovereignty more than Western acceptance. Washington’s use of NATO in an effort to corner Russia with military buildups on Russia’s land and sea borders is forcing compromise out of Russia’s response to Washington’s aggression.
Regardless of Escobar’s description of Russian military superiority over the West, Russian independence is between a rock and a hard place. The rock is the American neoconservatives’ determination to achieve hegemony over Russia. The hard place is those within the Russian government who are more Western than Russian in their orientation.
If Trump becomes US president, there is some possibility, perhaps, that the neoconservatives will cease to dominate US foreign and military policies. Should this turn out to be the case, the Russian nationalists might ease their pressure on Putin to remove the Atlanticist Integrationists from the government.
If Hillary becomes US president, the neoconservative threat to Russia will escalate. The Atlanticist Integrationists will be eliminated from the Russian government, and Russia will move to full war standing.
Remember what an unprepared Russia did to the German Wehrmacht, at that time the most powerful army ever assembled. Imagine what a prepared Russia would do to the crazed Hillary and the incompetent neoconservatives.
As I have previously written, pushing Russia to war means the demise of the US and Europe and, considering the destructive power of nuclear weapons, most likely of all life on earth.
The main cause of this danger is the arrogance, hubris, and utter stupidity of the American neoconservatives who are ensconced in positions of power and influence and in Hillary’s presidential campaign. A secondary cause is Europe’s vassal status, which deprives Europe of a sensible foreign policy and forces Europe to enable Washington’s aggression.
What this means is that no matter what you think of Trump, if you vote for Hillary you are definitely voting for the end of the world.