Human Diversity Politics

Twelve More States Want an Immigration Law Like Arizona's

Less than two weeks after Arizona passed an immigration law giving its police the authority to arrest illegal aliens, politicians in twelve other states are introducing legislation to pass the same sort of law in their states. One article notes “ALIPAC has documented efforts by state lawmakers to file SB 1070 in 12 states already including Arkansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah.”

For years, the federal government has played a game in which the Border Patrol was badly understaffed and betrayed because both political parties were selling us out on immigration. The Democrats stood the most to gain since about 80 percent of Latinos vote Democrat. The Republicans were allowing the flood of illegals for the sake of big corporations that wanted cheap labor. Some Republicans such as the Bush family and John McCain think the future Republican Party should be heavily Latino, even though the interests of White people and Latinos are frequently in conflict.

A chorus of Jewish intellectuals has insisted that the Arizona law will be declared null and void because they claim that the ability to arrest illegal immigrants is a monopoly of the federal government. These are the same Jewish intellectuals who looked at the Second Amendment’s “right to keep and bear arms” and then declared that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect our right to own or carry concealed guns for our self defense. As usual, the truth and what the Jews say are two different things.

In 1996, the Immigration department declared that it wanted local police to help round up illegal aliens. The Immigration and Custom Enforcement website proclaims “The 287(g) program, one of ICE’s top partnership initiatives, allows a state and local law enforcement entity to enter into a partnership with ICE, under a joint Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), in order to receive delegated authority for immigration enforcement within their jurisdictions.”

Unfortunately, this program apparently throws up enough red tape and hurdles that only about 1,130 local police are participating out of over 600,000 local police in the US. ICE requires local police to go to a special federal school before they can arrest illegal aliens. Police officers are already trained to spot a wide variety of law-breakers. Why should they have to go to a school to learn that a person with no ID and who can’t speak English is probably an illegal alien?

Sheriff Joe Arpaio was one of the few who sent his deputies to this school so he could get the authority to arrest illegals, but over 99 percent of police chiefs and sheriffs felt the ICE requirements were too burdensome (as they were no doubt designed to be).

All the Arizona Immigration Law does is give their police and state troopers the authority to arrest illegal aliens when they are pulled over for traffic offenses or caught committing a crime (without having to go through a special training program and without needing special permission from ICE). Local police are already empowered to arrest a wide range of criminals who are violating federal law. Imagine a police officer, who discovers a counterfeiting operation. Does anyone seriously think he should just let the counterfeiters go or should he detain them until the Secret Service shows up? Arresting illegal aliens is essentially no different, although there are probably Jewish law professors who would still try to argue against this.

The reason that Democrats and liberals are literally going crazy and calling for boycotts is that the Arizona law could arrest and deport a seriously large percentage of illegal aliens in their state. The Democrats are counting on new Latino voters to give them a permanent majority and perpetual political power. The thought that America might actually lose or scare off illegal aliens is a nightmare for Democrats that is long overdue.

The United States is currently in a Depression regardless of what the liberal media or certain hack politicians might say. The real unemployment rate is close to 20 percent, much worse the official 12 or 13 percent that states like California and Florida are admitting. We do not need ANY illegal aliens and we definitely do not need the governmental costs they create. One news article notes “…the current fiscal cost outlays for the illegal alien population in California are now approaching $13.1 billion annually more than half the projected (state budget) shortfall for next year.”

One reason Utah politicians want to pass an immigration law just like Arizona’s is that they are afraid of being swamped by illegal aliens from Arizona. In ten years time, there will be two types of states in the US, states that passed an immigration law like Arizona and states that are bankrupt and crawling with Mexicans.