Dr Duke & Andy Hitchcock on Sarah Silverman & Media Lies and Hypocrisy on Hate Speech!
Today Dr. Duke and Andy Hitchcock of the UK talked about a wide range of issues, from the hypocrisy of the Democrats having Sarah Silverman, famous for her jokes trashing Christians and whites, make a speech at their 2016 convention, but then doxing and destroying Tucker’s writer for having made jokes at blacks’ expense on an obscure message board. Dr. Duke also went into the history of New Orleans.

Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power.
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Click here and look for the show dated 7-14-20
Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern
Check out Dr. Duke’s interview with Dino Costa by clicking here.