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Today Dr. Duke Discusses: Zionism is Racism Video & the Hidden Zio Ethnic WAR!

Dr. David Duke and Dr. Slattery announce a new David Duke YouTube edition today. The video is called Zionism is Racism! and it is an incredible expose of Zionist and Jewish tribalist racism and hypocrisy.

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Also Dr. Duke talks about the underlying war that most people don’t see, whether it is in a mountain meadow or a society, and why every person and every life form has a fundamental right to fight for existence and advancement — and not be oppressed, harmed, exploited or destroyed.

Dr. Slattery joins Dr. Duke for a great discussion in a program that goes into many profound subjects that will fascinate you!

Go to Youtube and watch, rate and comment on this video!

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Click here and look for the show dated 4-01-15.

Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern time.

Here’s the new video.. Be sure to put your mouse pointer at the title on the top of the video and click! so you can go direct to YouTube to rate and comment and share the video!

Here is the section of the Intro to Jewish Supremacism that Dr. Duke quoted today! A good read!

Excerpt from Intro of Jewish Supremacism…

This book is ultimately about lessening both the dangers and the hatreds between our peoples. This cannot happen until both Jews and Gentiles hear the other side of the Jewish Question, a point of view currently forbidden in the modern world.


As I write the lines of this preface, I sit on a mountain in the Colorado Rockies named after the aspen tree, whose shade I now enjoy. Its cylindrical leaves turn easily in the cool breeze, reflecting the sunlight and affording me a magical image. Through those glittering leaves I can see snow capped peaks on the horizon. The sight pleases both my eyes and my soul. From this mystic place, I cannot see a single human being; only the magnificence of Nature fills my eyes. Questions of politics, culture, religion, nationalities, ethnicity and race seem far away from here. From this vantage point, the world and even Nature herself appear serene. Yet, when I look closely at the scenic beauty of Nature, I can see conflict and war that far eclipses even the worst turmoil found in mankind.

Here on this mountain a never-ending struggle rages of element against element and species against species. The wind, rain and snow will someday level these great mountains of rock. Even the flowing stream, the ultimate symbol of serenity for many people, violently fights for its life of movement against the mountain. Indeed, in time this great mountain will eventually succumb to even the tiniest rivulets of water and the other erosions of Nature.

As I write in my notebook, two ants approach a peach pit on the rock beside me. One ant is larger and very differently equipped than the other. He has his way over the smaller one, but the vanquished creature runs back to his kingdom to report the great store of sweet food. His relatives will seek to return to the treasure before their competitors. The two tiny breeds might even go to war over the morsel. My eyes open to the war waged all around me.

On this mountain, the trees, bushes and grasses compete for the sunlight and life itself. Smaller birds keep wary eyes out for hawks. The flora and fauna face the danger of death from the insects and parasites seeking to consume them. Even within every life form, a microscopic war rages. The more closely one looks, the more intense the battle. In one cubic meter of rich soil there are more living creatures injured, killed, eaten or even exploited and enslaved than all the numbers of human beings on earth who have faced a similar fate. Biologists could offer endless examples of the never-ending battle for life and dominance between life forms, enough to fill a million books the size of this one.

Yet, oddly, it is this brutal struggle of survival waged over a billion years that produced the serene beauty that so touches my heart as I look out from this high place. So, perhaps this mountain is not so unlike the eternal battles among humankind. The historical struggle among human races has played a powerful role in our human evolution just as it has for all life forms throughout the natural world. Its result for humanity is no less breathtaking than the view from this mountain. It produced a higher humanity that has given us the art of DaVinci’s Madonna and Child, the ultimate expressions of sublime love found in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet or Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn.

The eternal struggle created the evolutionary advances that enabled our kind to put our footprints on the moon. It is still hard to grasp that human beings have walked on another world and actually traveled to the golden orb of light that mankind has gazed up at with wonder for millennia. Could these things have been achieved without the evolutionary struggle for life and dominance that has driven us upward? An argument can surely be made that it is this life and death struggle for evolutionary fitness that produced the beautiful and ultimate forms of love and achievement that in turn give us meaning. This struggle created the beauty in mankind and the glory of its creations, just as a seemingly cruel Nature created the stark splendor seen on this mountain I love.

So perhaps, up here surrounded by a magnificent portrait of Nature, I am not in a world very far removed from the human conflicts down below. Most people see the seemingly serene vistas of Nature and never guess the war that rages underneath its aesthetic canopy. There are also those who are unaware of the racial and ethnic wars boiling both on and under the surface of humanity.

I seek to lessen the hatreds between mankind and offer a vision of every people having the right to preserve their heritage and their freedom. You cannot work to end a war, if you don’t even acknowledge that it exists. This book is about an ethnic war being raged for 3,000 years being waged by one extremist group against the rest of humanity.

Although we fantasize about the peace-loving nature of human beings, most of human history is a record of tribal, ethnic or racial war of one kind or another. For instance, the most read book on earth, the Bible, records the bloody history of the conflict between the Israelites and the other peoples of the Middle Eastern region. It tells glorious stories of war and shocking accounts of genocide. Anyone who reads the Old Testament with unbiased eyes will readily discern its dominant theme of racial and ethnic supremacism. There are many blatant expressions of ethnic supremacism:

  • Israelites are a “chosen people,” chosen by God above all the other peoples of the world.[i]
  • Israelites have a right to rule over all other people and are promised that they will someday own and rule over the whole world.[ii]
  • Israelites boast of genocide against whole peoples and kingdoms.[iii]
  • Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of the lands where they intend to live, and to kill all the people of foreign nations that do not submit themselves in slavery.[iv]
  • Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass down as slaves to their descendants forever.[v]
  • Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or “mix their seed” with other peoples.[vi]

Few people dare to even acknowledge the blatant racial supremacism of the Bible. And those who become aware of the extreme Jewish supremacism in the Old Testament tend to believe that such sentiments are relegated to ancient times and have no influence on the present. Jewish Supremacism, however, shows that the powerful ethnocentrism of ancient Judaism has continued to thrive to the modern day. I will offer compelling evidence that Jewish supremacism is alive and well in the 21st Century. It has a dramatic and increasing effect on world events.

It can be said that I as a Christian also revere the same Old Testament books of supremacy. The difference, of course, is that the Christian New Testament represents a profound shift from the Old. In place of an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” Jesus Christ taught “turn the other cheek.” In contrast to Jewish supremacism, Christianity offers universal salvation.

Judaism bitterly rejected Jesus Christ and has never enjoyed his teachings of love and tolerance. In fact, not only did the Jewish high priests, the Pharisees, pursue the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, these leaders guided their faith in the opposite ideological direction. It can be said that in addition to the crucifixion of Christ’s body, they killed his spirit in their own hearts.

It would be wrong to hate or persecute present-day Jews because of the role of Jewish leaders in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but it is important to understand the ideological, religious and ethnic war born during those times.

From the earliest days of Christianity, Jewry became its chief persecutor, for the Pharisees saw the Christian salvation of both “Jew and Greek” as a threat to their ethnic purity and supremacism. It should be said that Judaism is also diametrically opposed to the Muslim faith, which like Christianity also has been interpreted as a universal message. Not only did Jewish supremacists oppose Jesus himself, they mercilessly persecuted his followers, the early Christians.

Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him (John 7:13)[vii]

. . .for you suffered like things of your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out and displease God, and oppose all men (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16)[viii]

Over the next few centuries, they codified Jewish oral tradition and adopted the Babylonian Talmud as their most important religious text. According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, it even supersedes the Torah in authority.[ix] As Jesus Christ represents an evolution of greater love and tolerance, the Talmud only intensified the Torah’s chauvinism. I will thoroughly document this fact from Jewish texts themselves and through quotes from major Jewish scholars who discuss the Talmud’s meaning. The Talmud’s unashamed and frequent references to non-Jews as animals and “supernal refuse,”[x] as well as accounts of boiling their enemies in semen and excrement[xi] are expressions of racial hatred that would have made Hitler blush. ( goes on from there…)

[i]  KJV Deuteronomy  7:6

[ii]  Jub. 32:18 19

[iii]  KJV Joshua 6:21; KJV Joshua 10:37; RSV Deuteronomy 20:16

[iv]  RSV Deuteronomy 20:10-18

[v]  KJV Leviticus  25:44-46.

[vi]  KJV Deuteronomy 7:2-3; Ezra 9:12

[vii]  RSV John 7:13.

[viii]  RSV 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

[ix] Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Authority” p.637.

[x]  New Republic. (1992). May.

[xi]  Simon, M. Trans. (1936). 57a Gittin. London. Soncino Press. p.261