
Three and a half million words of the uncensored Talmud online!

Uncensored Talmud Now Online at comeandhear.com!

By Phaedrus

Students of Jewish theology will warmly welcome the sterling efforts of the good ol’ boys and girls at www.comeandhear.com – something more than just a website, where everyone can now download their very own personal copy of the foremost English language translation of the Jews’ holy book, the Talmud. And not just the juicy bits about non-Jews being no better than cattle and fit only for eternal slavery, either! Nope, the C&H on-line Talmud covers the broader scope of this most controversial source of Jewish religious law, too. The Talmud is notorious among observers of the Jewish Problem for its vitriolic ‘hate-speak’ towards non-Jews, but there’s also a lot of common-sense wisdom in it, too that maybe the rest of us can apply in our daily lives (inter-racial relationships being a total no-no, for example).

Come and Hear cite their inspiration behind the project as the ‘British’ Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sachs. For years now, Sachs has been calling for greater understanding between religious groupings as a means of diffusing anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Sachs has persistently contended that if only people knew the TRUTH about Judaism, anti-Semitism would quickly die out. He has consistently promoted what he calls “inter-faith dialog” as a means to get the truth out there to folks. Come and Hear have heard his call and gone one better by placing all this material on the Web so we can read it for ourselves! Therefore no need for the likes of Sachs to be put to the trouble of “explaining and interpreting” Jewish law for us. Well what did Sachs expect? That we’d simply ASK him what Judaism is really all about? With all due respect to Sachs, his tribe aren’t best suited to telling the truth so the very idea was ludicrous! Come and Hear offers by far the best solution for the would-be Jewish scholar.

Friends, I urge you to visit the site, check out the resources there. Download your own free personal copy of the Babylonian Talmud, burn copies of it to CD, redistribute it to your friends, and if you feel suitably motivated, mirror the site yourselves as the folks at C&H are quite happy for you to do. Check it out today! www.comeandhear.com
Article Source: World Peace
