
“Space Jews” in Science Fiction

By James Buchanan. It’s considered “anti-Semitic” to point out that most Jews are obsessed with money, that many Jews are highly unethical about how they earn their money (e.g. financial swindlers like Bernie Madoff, lawyers and loan sharks) or that the Jews control the news and entertainment media. If you accurately describe a lion as being big, powerful and inclined to eat other animals, it isn’t considered “anti-lion” so why is giving an accurate description of the Jews considered to be “anti-Semitic”?

Curiously, it’s OK for science fiction writers to create Jewish-type races on other planets. One reason science fiction writers have gotten away with this is that the ADL would look ridiculous if they complained that a certain mythical alien race seemed “too Jewish”. For example, let’s say the Ferengi are unethical, repulsive, prone to cheating and theft and completely money-obsessed. If the ADL steps forward and whines about how “Jewish” the Ferengi are, the ADL would be admitting that Jews are unethical, repulsive, prone to cheating and theft and completely money-obsessed.

This is a very strange dichotomy that “Space Jews” can be described in great detail, but any suggestion that a race of money-obsessed people have evolved on this planet is completely banned from polite society.

Among the various “Space Jews” that have appeared in major movie or television productions are:

1).Jawas: The short repulsive Jawas in the first Star Wars movie cheer when they sell a stolen robot and cruise the desert looking for items to trade or steal.

2).Watto’s Race: The creature Watto in the later Star Wars movies seemed very Jewish except for his accent. Curiously, they gave him an Italian accent. (You don’t suppose the original idea was to give him a Yiddish accent, but that would have been a little too obvious.)

3).The Ferengi: The Star Trek sequels introduced the Ferengi. A Wikipedia article describes them as “Their home planet, Ferenginar, is the center of the Ferengi Alliance and is governed by the Grand Nagus and a Commerce Authority made primarily of the Council of Economic Advisors (formerly Board of Liquidators). Like most of their culture, their religion is also based on the principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a “Blessed Exchequer” in hopes of entering the “Divine Treasury” upon death, and fear an afterlife spent in the “Vault of Eternal Destitution…” (Damn, they sound almost exactly like Jews.)

4).The TV series South Park had the big-nosed Joozians, who controlled all the media in the galaxy. The Joozians are degenerates prone to wild orgies and snorting white powdery stuff. Who could they possibly be based on? The South Park website describes the Joozians as “big-nosed aliens (who) live on planet Fognl and control all the media in the universe, including the hit show “Earth” (which they have decided to cancel). In order to stop them, the Boys visit the network heads, and after some all-night partying…. get them to reconsider.”

5).The TV series Futurama has the long-nosed alien race, the Scammers, who in one episode scam everyone on Earth out of all their stuff.

This wouldn’t be the first time that society’s oppressors have been described in a fictional tale. George Orwell’s book “Animal Farm” described Communists using farm animals who overthrow the farmer to try to set up a “better” system. The movie “V for Vendetta” describes a police state that stages terror attacks against its own people to gain more control.

It’s a little bizarre that “Space Jews” are allowed to exist in science fiction, but any discussion of who controls the news and entertainment media or Federal Reserve Banking system here on this planet is strictly taboo in polite society.