
“How DARE they Criticize Israel!”

By Jeff Davis. Another of the many long-term goals of the anti-White agenda is to set the parameters of “acceptable discussion” so that any criticism at all of the bandit state of Israel constitutes “anti-Semitism.” According to the ultra-liberal Salon.com “The U.S. Department of Education is investigating a [Jewish] faculty member’s complaint that a series of pro-Palestinian events at a California university crossed the line into anti-Semitism and created a hostile environment for Jewish students.”

Ah, there’s that favorite catch-all phrase of the Politically Correct establishment, “creating a hostile environment.” What, exactly, does that mean? Any damned thing they want it to mean!! Some of the more militant liberals and Jews don’t want their co-workers saying one thing that they disapprove of –effectively taking away free speech from millions of Americans while they’re at their workplace, earning the money to pay the taxes for a federal government, which is supposed to protect our free speech. I have NEVER heard of a conservative running to the boss to complain about liberals yapping amongst themselves, but liberals complain to the boss all the time about right-wing conversations at work; that’s just the sort of whiny, pathetic individuals that they are, and the Jews of course are the champion complainers if you make the mistake of saying almost anything in earshot of one of the Hebraic commissars.

The Salon article goes on: “The department’s Office for Civil Rights notified the University of California, Santa Cruz last week that it planned to look into allegations made by Hebrew lecturer Tammi Rossman-Benjamin dating back to 2001…Rossman-Benjamin said administrators repeatedly failed to address concerns voiced by her and several students [how dare they ignore us Jewish cranks?] about academic departments and residential colleges at Santa Cruz sponsoring “viciously anti-Israel” speakers and film screenings with campus funds. She also alleged that some professors have used their classes to promote an anti-Israel political agenda and failed to intervene or joined in when students were verbally attacked for defending the Jewish state.”

Ah, there we have the nub of it. These allegedly “anti-Semitic” faculty members failed to bend the knee and display proper toadying subservience to the Jewish state.

Imagine for a second that some people of German descent objected to the monstrous slander against their people, known as the “Holocaust”. For 66 years, this highly defamatory piece of war propaganda has been taught as fact with no opportunity for critics to point out its many flaws. The Holocaust has been used to smear Germans and justify the extortion of billions of dollars in “reparations” for Jews and the state of Israel in a swindle that rivals the Ponzi scheme by Bernie Madoff.

The article notes ” ‘The impact of the academic and university-sponsored Israel-bashing on students has been enormous,’ she said. There are students who have felt emotionally and intellectually harassed and intimidated, to the point they are reluctant or afraid to express a view that is not anti-Israel.’ Campus counsel Carole Rossi said the university will cooperate with the federal investigation.”

I can tell they’re just thrilled at the prospect of the Feds doing a witch-hunt for anti-Semites —which now apparently includes any criticism of the murderous bandit state of Israel, which recently added “selling human organs stolen from Palestinians” to their long list of crimes against humanity.

Another key point in the anti-White agenda is that the Jews want “hurting their feelings” to be made a criminal offense under which anyone who doesn’t seem to hold them in adoring reverence can be punished and eventually imprisoned by law. This situation currently exists in much of Europe and Canada.

All I can say is: Keep it up, Jews, keep it up. Eventually even your Gentile liberal allies will find it so hard to put up with your arrogant demands that they will start dumping you like everyone else, who came in contact with your tribe, has done down through four thousand years of history.