
The Empire Strikes Back: California Withholds Toilet Paper

It’s interesting what an increasingly destitute government will cut rather than welfare rolls and union pensions. And of course, the current crop of politicians in California would never dare start deporting the vast numbers of illegal aliens to reduce the crippling costs they impose on public schools for their kids and county hospitals every time they show up in an emergency room.

An article from NBC reports: “There are a few simple ingredients that any state needs in order to function. One is a budget. Another is toilet paper. Remote rural state parks will likely run out of toilet paper by early October, says an internal email from the state Finance Department. We’ve reached this crisis because it’s taken legislators a record amount of time — 85 days — to come to something resembling an agreement about the state budget. Vendors, meanwhile, haven’t been paid since the beginning of July. Also suffering are health clinics for the poor, financial aid recipients and child-development programs serving over a quarter million kids. Programs like those have to be put on hold until there’s a spending plan for them.”

Politicians in California find it almost impossible to agree on a budget every year now because there simply isn’t enough money available to give millions of blacks and Latinos a First World lifestyle with a declining number of White taxpayers in the state. The California government went against the will of he people in early 2009 and passed the largest tax increase for any state in US history. Apparently White people are supposed to be an inexhaustible ATM machine for minorities. Well, some of those “ATM machines” have sprouted legs and fled the state. White people have been fleeing the state of California for some time to avoid oppressive taxation.

The 2009 tax increase wasn’t enough for the Democrats and swarms of non-Whites. By 2010, the liberals wanted even more money and put a proposition on the state ballot to take even more money from California workers. That bill was voted down, and now the “Empire” wants to strike back and punish Californians for not going along with higher taxes and that includes taking away toilet paper.

Not one California state employee has been laid off since the economic downturn started in late 2008. Meanwhile about half a million private sector jobs have disappeared in the Golden state.

So the state of California would rather take away toilet paper and health clinics and close truck rest stops rather than trim the size of government by laying off some paper-shuffling bureaucrats, cut welfare benefits or deport illegal aliens. Well, don’t worry, there’s always bankruptcy. Maybe that will wake up the rest of the United States to the problems that come with a non-White majority.