
The difference between Zionism and Judaism

prime_minister_tony_blair-menorah.jpgbush_menorah.jpgZionism is the Political Expression of Judaism
David Duke answers the letter of a supporter

Dear Dr. Duke,

I am currently a junior at UCLA and I am also a great and interested fan of your website, books, and general work for a more fair, free, and peaceful world. I am truly glad that you were able to expose Wolf Blitzer’s past on CNN as being a former lobbyist for AIPAC, and the fact that Israel is getting 3 billion a year in foreign aid from the U.S.

Thank you so much for your knowledge and honesty. I, like you, do not hate Judaism, which has been around for over 2 thousand years; I hate Zionism which is only about 2 hundred years old. I believe that Jimmy Carter’s new book is honest, and extremely factual. Many Zionists and ignorant people have called him an anti-Semite, but that is a very stupid statement. The fact is that Jimmy Carter established the first peaceful treaty between Israel and Egypt and not one word of it has been broken and it has been in effect for almost 30 years! I believe that we have a separation of church and state in America, but what we need is a separation of Jewish extremist and state.

One question I have for you is that, do we still have our traditional Christmas Tree in the White House? I never see it anymore. I am also providing some interesting pictures for you, I hope you will read this email and respond as well. Thank you once again for your work for truth and justice, and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oh darn! Wait, can I still say Christmas in emails without going to jail? — Allen

Dear Allen,

We still have Christmas trees at the White House, but for heaven’s sake, no crosses are allowed! Menorahs are, of course, perfectly acceptable!

The one thing I would bring to your attention is that Zionism is simply a political and social expression of JUDAISM. Judaism is at its core a racial supremacist religion espousing contempt and hatred for non Jews. It has long predated Zionism and Zionism wouldn’t exist without it. Read the chapter The Roots of Jewish Supremacism from My Awakening. Even though some Zionists are non-religious, racial Judaism is at its core.

Hanukkah and the Menorah symbolize Jewish separatism. Hanukkah is celebrated as the Jewish holy day representing resistance against Jewish assimilation with the Greeks/Syrians, a people who were tolerant and kind to the Jews. That was their problem. Because they were tolerant, Jewish extremists saw them as a danger because they accepted the Jewish people, treated them as equals, and they would intermarry with them. Radical Jewish elements fomented war and murder to prevent the assimilation from occurring! Hanukkah is itself a celebration of the recapture of the temple (and an accompanying massacre of non-Jews). You can find this written about in many mainstream Jewish websites.

How is it that when leaders such as Bush and Blair who are always touting the joys of multiculturalism, assimilation and tolerance while they simultaneously condemn any sort of ethnic separatism, make a big show about celebrating Jewish celebration of resistance to assimilation and a resulting ethnic massacre of Greeks.

How would the media treat a modern German Chancellor who would have a celebration of an alleged Nazi massacre of Jews so as to prevent assimilation of the German people with them? It is too ludicrous to even consider such an event.

Isn’t just as ludicrous that our leaders would celebrate a Jewish supremacist war and massacre of non-Jews. Because that is exactly what Hanukkah is! And, by the way it is a perfect opposite of the spirit of Christmas which is about peace on earth and love for all.

So when Bush and other leaders celebrate Hanukkah they are literally celebrating Jewish supremacism, ethnic chauvinism, a Jewish war and massacre of non-Jews and Jewish racial and religious intolerance! Interesting isn’t it.

The fact that this is never exposed in the mass media of America or Europe is itself evidence of the incredible Jewish influence in our entire information processes.


David Duke

PS I will publish your letter and my response on my website. I can hear the howls from the Jewish extremists already about my writing on this issue, but frankly, they have not, and they will not offer any evidence that what I say here is wrong. Perhaps new readers can use the clear hypocrisy of this one little issue to begin to open the door of understanding on the Jewish question.