
Liberals Try to Whitewash Kennedy's Legacy of Crime and Treason

Ted Kennedy Finally Dies; Worst Traitor Since FDR by James Buchanan. Apparently the rumors about Ted Kennedy’s imminent demise have proven true. One of the worst traitors against the American people has finally died. His last notable acts of treason include supporting an Amnesty Bill for 20 million illegal aliens in 2007 and his endorsement of Barack Obama in 2008.

His worst act of treason during his long disgraceful stay in the Senate was opening the immigration floodgates to the Third World in the 1960s, transforming America from a 90 percent White nation to a 67 percent White nation, and dooming the White race in North America to extinction unless a pro-White political upheaval can stop the two-party system.

Kennedy’s personal life was just as disgraceful as his political life. Mary Jo Kopechne drowned in the back seat of his car abandoned by this drunk womanizer, who cared more about his reputation than saving her life. Kennedy eventually bloated himself out to 300lbs, showing as little self-control in his eating as he did in his spending. Mary Jo isn’t the only person Ted Kennedy has killed. Think of all the White people killed by Mexican drunk drivers and other Third World criminals, who have invaded America, thanks to Ted Kennedy undermining our immigration policies. Thousands of White people have been killed and millions have been victims of crimes because of the Third World invasion that Ted Kennedy caused.

Kennedy lived long enough to see the multi-racial society he worked so hard to create, begin to collapse. The state of California with its non-White majority is still teetering on financial oblivion with no end in sight. White people are fleeing the state as crazy socialist politicians try to raise taxes on the Whites even more despite the beginnings of a Depression. Illegal aliens cost the golden state $13 billion dollars per year, but you’d have a hard time finding a politician honest enough to admit this. California has a $26 billion dollar deficit, which it has no clear way of ever paying off and the state’s debt will likely continue to grow without bound.

Liberal politicians like Ted Kennedy are responsible for the flood of Latinos which has bankrupted California. Kennedy is also responsible for all the “legal” Third World invaders including the “ersatz engineers” from countries like India and Bangladesh, who have seriously damaged competency at every major US corporation and NASA, resulting in a string of embarrassing engineering failures.

81 banks have failed so far this year as part of the ongoing minority subprime mortgage disaster. Liberals like Ted Kennedy forced banks to make “Affirmative Action” subprime loans to Blacks and Latinos without down payments and without any of the usual credit checks. This house of cards began to collapse last year, and it has the fingerprints of the liberals all over it. A recent news article reports the Obama regime just announced that we will go at least another nine trillion dollars in debt over the next ten years, and many conservatives suspect it will be more like twenty or thirty trillion dollars.

The only reason America has pulled out of earlier recessions and the Great Depression is the fact that we have a White super-majority, that was so productive and inventive, that it was able to overcome any obstacle. Today we have 100 million needy Third World people in the US, and this burden is growing larger by the day. Combine this with the minority subprime mortgage crisis and the bungling socialism of Barack Obama, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The thoroughly corrupt two-party system is leading America into complete and utter financial destruction.

If ever a human being deserves a place on the inner circle of hell, Ted Kennedy is surely a prime candidate. Ignore all the flowery praise the fat, drunk “hero of Chappaquiddick” will be getting for the next few days because he deserves only scorn and mockery for his life of treason and excess. The only unfortunate thing about Kennedy’s death is that it did not follow a trial for treason, which he so richly deserved.