
Shameful! Once Again Israel Hurts America

Jewish little girls send “love messages” to Lebanese children on Israeli bombshells. Jewish extremists simply have a different mentality from the rest of us.


Once Again Israel Commits Atrocities and Hurts America

Sell-out Politicians Applaud the anti-American Invasion of Lebanon

By David Duke

Once again Israel’s outrageous actions have hurt America and once again American politicians are scrambling to betray American interests to the Jewish extremist, fifth column in government and media.

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Israel’s terrorist attacks on the small nation of Lebanon already proportionately far exceed the carnage of 911.

The Israeli terrorist bombing of Lebanon murdered or maimed thousands of Lebanese civilians in a war crime of the first magnitude. In addition to the its crimes against humanity, Israel’s actions damage every true American interest in Lebanon and in the entire Mideast.

It must be remembered that Israel has made relentless terrorist attacks against a government and nation that America openly supported!

It is the same nation we worked hard with to secure the withdrawal of Syrian military forces. Lebanon is a nation where 25,000 Americans live and do business. Not only have these American lives and livelihoods been put in danger, there will be billions lost to American business and trade interests. And now, American made bombs wielded by the Israeli terrorists are maiming and killing thousands, destroying airports, roads, bridges, power plants, and entire infrastructure of a country once friendly to the United States, all with the sickening obsequiousnous of George Bush, puppet of Tel Aviv. Such can only increase hatred and cause subsequent terrorism against the people of the United States.

Perhaps even more sickening is the Christian evangelist support of the terrorist attacks of Israel against Lebanon and their lack of sympathy for the huge Christian population (as well as innocent Muslims) of the country that are being slaughtered and made homeless by the Israeli assault. What evil has gripped these supposed Christian leaders, who are supposed to follow Christ’s teaching of love and reconciliation, yet are now screaming with the Jewish extremists for Christian and Muslim Lebanese blood much like the rabble led by the Pharisees at the trial of Jesus?

These evangelists give unconditional support to supremacist Jews, the same entity that spearheads the destruction of the Christian faith and morals in America, the same power that has driven any expression of the Christian faith, even Christmas carols — from our public life. These same supremacist Jews are the source of the pornographic deluge on America, the Hollywood and media moral wasteland corrupting our people, and they spur on the most destructive of political, moral and cultural policies.

These evangelists support the Jewish religious state of Israel. Yet, the Jewish religion teaches that Jewish priests properly murdered Jesus Christ and boiled him in hot semen! God, I know that may sound so crazy to some of those who have come to davidduke.com for the first time. Some reading or hearing this will find it hard to believe that Jewish scripture makes such claims. That’s because few Gentiles know the real nature of the Talmudic Judaism, and the Jewish-influenced media doesn’t exactly broadcast this information to you.

What kind of religion would be so hateful as to even suggest boiling someone in Semen? I will be called extremist for simply pointing out the vicious anti-Christian extremism in Jewish scripture, but where is the criticism of the underlying Jewish extremism itself?

How many people know that the worldwide, powerful Jewish extremist group, Chabad Lubavitch, teaches that non-Jews are animals, and that the sole purpose of all non-Jews on earth is to worship and serve the Jews. They literally believe that Jews are Gods on earth, that hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God himself, and all other people are the supernal refuse of creation! I am not talking about some obscure Jewish sect in the Israeli desert who promotes such supremacism, for this Jewish hate group was recently honored at the White House of the United States, and it actually teaches Jewish study lessons in this material to Jewish White House staffers! The head of White House policy is himself a Jewish extremist who hosts Chabad Lubavitch leaders in the White House and introduces them to the President. You can see pictures of the disturbing spectacle elsewhere on davidduke.com.

Corrupted so-called Christian leaders support a nation that has financed public burnings of New Testament, that teaches arithmetic to many Israeli school children with a T instead of a plus sign because the plus sign is too close in appearance to the hated cross! They support a nation where Christian priests and ministers report being routinely spat upon by Jewish students on the streets, where recruiting Christian ministers or priests is punishable by five years in prison! These evangelists who support anti-Christian Judaism and Israel are truly “Jewish” evangelists, not Christian ones. And now, in an ultimate act of Christian betrayal and apostasy, they support the Israeli terrorism and murder against fellow Christians and against decent Muslim people in Lebanon.

The level of my disgust at the traitors and sell-outs in Washington, the level of my disgust at our Jewish-extremist media, and level of my disgust at so-called Christian leaders who support of this carnage – knows no bounds.

From the beginning of this conflict, the Jewish-dominated media has been expectedly biased. Israel illegally occupies the West Bank, they illegally occupy parts of Syria, as well as parts of Lebanon. There has been no peace treaty between Israel and their enemies in these nations. When Palestinians and Hizbollah captured some Israeli soldiers, the media screamed that they had been “kidnapped.” Of course, the reality is that they were captured in the long-running war against the Israeli occupiers. As military personnel, they were legitimate targets and the acts were not terrorism.

Now compare the headlines of the Jewish-dominated media screaming about the “kidnapping of Israeli soldiers,” to the fact that in the over thirty years of Israeli occupations of Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian territory, tens of thousands of civilians have been truly kidnapped. Tens of thousands of civilians have been seized by military and Mossad and subject to Abu Ghraib-style horrors in the torture chambers of the only nation that has had legally sanctioned torture. And that include thousands of women and children who have been imprisoned and tortured. Israel has also assassinated thousands of those who resisted their occupation, even non-violent clerics who spoke against Israel’s injustice. They have indiscriminately bombed whole cities and towns to rubble with thousands of civilian causalities.

Could you imagine the media and government response if Lebanon was reigning down on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem the kind of devastation being visited upon Beirut?

The capture of a few Israeli soldiers was used as excuse to launch a murderous terrorist attacks that have devastated both Gaza and Lebanon, brought murder or injury to thousands of innocents as well as misery and loss to millions. In feeble retaliation Hamas and Hizbollah have launched some rockets at Israeli cities and inflicted a handful of Israeli casualties, but Israeli power is so overwhelming, thanks to the Israel hijacking of huge sums of American taxpayer’s money, Arab resistance is comparable to a fly spitting back at a fly swatter.

A perfect example of Israeli cold blooded murder and terrorism is what happened in Marwaheen, a little village in Southern Lebanon. The Israelis, ordered the villagers out, all the men, women and children. They left in a convoy of 20 cars to go to Tyre. An F-16 attacked the convoy burned them all alive with bombs.

Contained in this article is a picture symbolizing the nature of Jewish supremacism and its lack of respect for non-Jewish life, life which extreme Judaism does not consider human and thus not worthy of any regard of normal human feelings of mercy and humanity. An AP picture shows little Jewish school girls who obviously have been instructed to sign ad send hate messages on the explosive artillery bomb shells that will reign down terror upon the Lebanese villages and the hapless civilians in them.

The fact that Israel would even make artillery bombardments on Lebanese or Gaza cities or settlements is proof in itself of the terrorist nature of the Israeli attack, for such shells are not like laser-guided missiles and the like they will go into a large general area and kill everything living within them, whether it be soldiers, or shopkeepers, men, women or children, the very oldest or babies in the arms of their mothers. They will blow to pieces little girls not much different looking than those shown autographing the terrorist bombs often destined to take innocent life.

As an American, it hurts my heart that many of the bombs that fall on innocent people in Lebanon will have been made in American cities and towns by American citizens, that many of the instruments of death, maiming and destruction will often be paid for by American taxpayers, and that our government would tacitly encourage Israel to attack the nation of Lebanon against every interest of the American people and in every violation of international law and decency.

What is happening is Lebanon is shameful for Israel and for America.

We must hold our politicians accountable, and put the interests of America and the principles of decency, First!

I hope all of you listening will do something to preserve the heritage and freedom of the American people.

And, that you will act to end the slaughter that is going with American compliance in the Middle East.

David Duke