Human Diversity

From Rich Rhodesia to Starving Zimbabwe

South Africa Can’t Feed Millions Of Starving, Dying Zimbabweans

By Adriana Stuijt

PRETORIA, South Africa — The United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization’s “hunger map”  proves at a glance how South Africa’s remaining 40,000 ‘white” farmers still are managing to keep chronic famine away, even though the rest of the sub-continent always teeters on the edge of starvation these days.

President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa however, continues his racist policy of removing all these ‘white’ professional farmers from their productive farms — even though these Afrikaner farmers only occupy six percent of SA’s ‘agriculturally viable’ land — which in turn only covers twelve percent of the entire SA land surface…

The ANC regime lies about these statistics, claiming that ‘whites’ still own’ some 70% of the entire land surface – however the land-registries show that it’s the State itself which owns the largest and most fertile land parcels, such as the former tribal homelands and vast tracts of former military reservations — not these ‘white farmers’…

Yet the Mbeki-regime remains just as hell-bent as is his neighbour Mugabe in Zimbabwe on removing every excess-food-producer they can.

These two leaders both have embarked on a violence-driven ethnic-cleansing drive to replace the entire sub-continent’s few remaining productive agriculturalists with unproductive, agriculturally-untrained black subsistence families who are being dumped on carved-up land sites which cannot sustain their families — let alone allow any excess-food production for the rest of the 46-million-strong SA population. (…Full Article)


Also Hear this Disturbing Report:

Incurable XDR-TB Epidemic Now Raging In S.A.
