Jewish Media Corrupts Teen Girls
By Rev. Ted Pike
Christian/conservative watchdog groups are sounding the alarm against unprecedented TV sex and profanity now luring girls aged 12-17. The CW television network’s Gossip Girls show, according to Parents TV Council:
“…glamorizes casual sex and drug use among teens…There has been a prolonged, graphic sex scene between two teenaged characters…drugs and drinking are presented as glamorous, easy to obtain, and part of everyday life…Storylines have featured…threesomes among teens and teenage girls having sex with adults. Also included have been multiple scenes of teens drinking, smoking pot and having sex…Parents on this series are also portrayed as distant, uncaring, and are depicted as using their children for personal gain and not seeming concerned about their welfare or happiness.”
CW’s new ad campaign features print and web ads—one in which a teen boy kisses an actress’s cleavage. These ads feature huge letters across an erotic image; the letters read either OMG (“Oh, my God!”) or OMFG—the translation of which is unprintable! CW uses such messages to impact girls at least as young as 12.
But there’s something Christian “watchdog” groups will not tell you. There’s a religious motivation behind this attack. CBS and Warner Bros., partners in CWTV, are Jewish media giants. CBS, founded by William S. Paley (Palinski) in 1928, has always been under control of strongly pro-Zionist Jews, including present owner Sumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein). The owner of CBS until 1995 was a devoutly Orthodox Jew, Laurence Tisch. He required all top CBS Jewish executives to meet with him every Monday morning in his executive suite to study the Babylonian Talmud. They were spiritually invigorated by the Talmud’s exaltation of Jews and venomous hatred of Jesus, Christians, and Gentiles. Such Talmudic bias has encouraged even secular Jewish executives and producers of CBS, Jewish-founded ABC and NBC, and Hollywood to mastermind subversion of America ’s Christian values. (See, Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish and watch Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance on Google)
CW’s other Jewish partner, Warner Bros., in all its diversifications, also pushes premarital sex, homosexuality, profanity, drugs, violence and occultism on America ’s youth. further quotes Melissa Henson of Parents Television Council: “It certainly seems as if they keep reaching for the bottom of the barrel…I think it’s extremely disappointing that they would resort to these tactics to lure young viewers.”
Disappointing? Melissa, did you really have any hope that the Jewish media would not disappoint? The truth is, the Gossip Girls‘ agenda of bringing sex to increasingly younger girls is just for starters. The history of the Jewish media’s moral manipulation of society over the past 45 years is one of progressive degeneracy. Before Talmudic media moguls like Laurence Tisch are done, will the Jewish media be promoting sex with 3-year-old baby girls? That’s the age at which, according to the Talmud (modern Judaism’s highest legal and religious authority), sex between the local rabbi and little girls can begin.
You don’t believe it? Below are some of the frequent Talmudic passages which justify as Halacha, or binding Jewish law, the right of rabbis to copulate with 3-year-old baby girls. In these passages you’ll find pederasty sanctioned by Sineon ben Yohai and Rabbi Meir, two of the four or five greatest sages of the Talmud. No rabbinical synod in the last 1800 years has nullified their authority. For observant Jews the authority of the earliest sages far exceeds that of Moses and the prophets. (See, Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret)
The Jewish media monsters are just getting started in their depraving of America . The bottom of their Talmudic barrel descends far lower than you can imagine.
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These quotations are from the Soncino edition of the Babylonian Talmud, produced by Soncino Press, Ltd., London , 1948.
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.
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