
Re: Jews vs. Arabs

Re: Jews vs. Arabs

David Duke responds to a new reader

Mr. Duke,

Your site is new to me and so are your ideas about Jews. I must say that, if we are ruled by Jews, that is a much better alternative to being ruled by Islam. The march of extremist Islam (all Islam is extreme) is a much bigger threat to the world than the power of Jews.

Rachel Corrie was a pathetic left-wing nutcase. She may have been opposing Jews, which pleases you, but worse than that she was supporting a civilization (I use the term loosely) that is among the most violent and oppressive still in existence.

The flood of Muslim immigrants around the world is a direct physical and cultural threat to whites. Much more severe than any power play by Jews. The Jews want money, the Muslims want blood. I choose the Jews any day.

Thank you,
Brandon F.

David Duke’s Reply

Dear Brandon,

Please understand, that there would be no immigration problem, no serious threat to us from the Muslim world except for the Jewish domination of our media, government and academia. They are the ones who have propagandized us with egalitarianism and multiculturalism. It is they who have opened the floodgates. And, they have done that repeatedly, even during the middle ages in both Constantinople and Spain, as my book, Jewish Supremacism, documents. What is happening today is simply a repetition of a long historical process.

In fact, the leading Senator who was the driving force behind immigration changes in America was the Jewish Supremacist, Jacob Javits. In 1951 he wrote an article called, “Lets open the Gates.” I also document in Jewish Supremacism the overwhelming role of Jewish organizations in promoting the demographic destruction of America.

The Muslims have not opened the borders with Mexico, the Muslims have not been the ones dominating Hollywood and the New York media, producing the flood of anti-European, anti-White movies and propaganda. They have not been the primary purveyors of “there is no such thing as race, and no such thing as European culture,” etc. All this, of course, while the Jewish supremacists of the media have all-out supported Israel as a “Jewish state.”

As far as “Jews wanting money, Muslims wanting blood,” I beg to differ. Israel is the only Mideast nation that has attacked the United States and spilled our blood. A good example of this is the surprise terrorist attack on the USS Liberty in which Israel killed 34 of our sailors and grievously wounded 173 more.

Please understand, the Jewish supremacists are doing more to destroy our bloodline, the very existence of our people, than the Muslims ever could. The Muslims are primarily outside our gates; the Jews are ensconced in the highest seats of power behind our gates. Those Muslims who are now behind our lines are there because of the Jewish led immigration changes to America and Europe.

They have been the ones behind the moral collapse of our people. They have been the primary cause of the destruction of our families and of declining birthrates through their use of Freudianism and Feminism. They have been the leading purveyors of multiculturalism and egalitarianism. They have been the leading proponents of White guilt and self-destructiveness.

In driving these illegal wars and embargoes that have taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, the Jewish supremacists have engendered Muslim hatred against us on a worldwide scale. They have sucked us into this 50 year war for Israeli hegemony and now we are paying the intolerable price. In addition, they have repeatedly launched terrorist attacks against our nation. No other Mideast nation has done that.

The Iraq War, which is ruining the lives of tens of thousands of courageous Americans and wasting billions of our tax dollars was, from the beginning, a war created by Jewish supremacists such as Perle and Wolfowitz. It is a war based completely on lies. These lies could only fly high by the inordinate Jewish influence over the American and British media which aided and abetted this abominable war. And now America and Europe are paying the price for this illegal, aggressive, unjust and insane war that has cost the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Please read my book, Jewish Supremacism, before you prejudge my ideas. I am absolutely opposed to Muslim domination of our culture but, my friend, I have no objection to them having their own culture in their own countries without our interference.

Please open your eyes. Have you been to the movies, picked up a newspaper or news magazine recently? We are already dominated. We are dominated by an alien force that is destroying the very foundations of our society and immersing us in what the Jewish Neocons proudly call World War IV. Is this what we really want, the world to be washed in blood for generations to come?

By the way, Rachel Corrie was not “supporting a civilization that is the most violent and repressive still in existence.” She was opposing injustice. Specifically, she was opposing the destruction of family homes under Jewish supremacist occupation in the West Bank.

She was murdered for it.

Its amazing how the Jewish supremacist media can turn the truth around, and label Palestinians as “oppressive.” These people have been under 35 years of an incredibly brutal, Israeli military occupation that has killed and tortured tens of thousands of people, stolen millions of acres of land, and destroyed tens of thousands of Palestinian homes.

Is it any wonder that these people hate Israel and any nation that supports it?

There is a lot of violence there, and oppression, yes, but what is the source of it?

If you truly want peace, and you want to be free from foreign threat, there are three things we can do to decelerate this burgeoning World War IV:

1) Stop the immigration.

2) Stop supporting the criminal actions of Israel.

3) End this insane Iraq War.

There is no plausible military threat to us from outside our borders.

The ultimate danger to us is from the rot inside our nation, not from any threat outside our borders.

Every American should be much more concerned about controlling the Mexican-American border than Iraq’s borders. Every Englishman should be more concerned about who controls London than who controls Baghdad.

As a European-American who loves his heritage and freedom, these are my concerns. Perhaps as you learn more about what is really going on they will become your concerns as well.


David Duke