
Public Turns Against the War – Duke Speaks Out

Recent polls show most Americans blame Bush more than Saddam Hussein for the war!


Public Turns Against the War &
Truly Supports My Views!
by David Duke

It was bound to happen, inevitable really. The insanity of this anti-American war for Israel in Iraq is finally sinking into the consciousness of average Americans. The polls are showing that tens of millions who voted for the “lesser-of-two evils” now are beginning to realize that evil is evil no matter how lesser. Many polls now show that at least 60 percent want to withdraw from Iraq, and now more people blame George Bush for the war than they do Saddam Hussein.

Much of the left was already suspicious of this war, perhaps from inertia for the debilitating experience of Viet Nam. The Jewish-influenced neo-Marxists erroneously labeled it a war for oil. Michael Moore, of white-hating Stupid White Men fame, in the craziest of insanities, tried to make the bad guys out to be the Saudis, both behind 911 and President Bush’s policies.

But, some of the left began to understand the complete hypocrisy of supporting racist, apartheid Israel while supporting multiculturalism, open borders and deracination at home. Many began to see the clear hand of Jewish supremacist extremists orchestrating this war at every level: almost all the Jewish Neocon war planners were Israeli partisans, as were the leading analysts who provided the false intelligence of weapons of mass destruction, the powerful Israeli Congressional lobbies that worked so hard for this war (such as AIPAC), the Jewish-dominated media cheerleading for it, and even the President’s speech and media crafters such as David Frum and Ari Fleisher. After all, how could one miss the incredible obviousness of this alien hand — unless he was deaf, dumb and blind?

It was all a lie; the war from day one had nothing to do with America’s interests or security. It had nothing to do with winning the war on terror, but it will spawn countless acts of terror against Americans for decades to come. It was about a war where the Jewish supremacists sought to smite their enemy Saddam Hussein and they simply used American treasure and American blood to do it. The actual title of the report written for Israel by a number of the leading Jewish Neocons such as Perle, Wurmser and Feith was “A Clean Break, A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” It was about securing Israel’s realm not America’s.

Unfortunately, they had a willing puppet in the low-IQ George Bush who was at least smart enough to notice that his approval numbers turned around in the wake of 911, and that an ongoing war was the best reelection insurance possible, especially when a previously hostile media was now making television movies about what a great and courageous leader he is.

He also knew that if dared to stand up to the Israeli fifth column in government and media that they would, like vultures, pick his bones clean. And so Bush became the classic example of a man that sells out his nation for personal gain. Even more tragically, he betrayed the still growing numbers of American dead and tens of thousands of American maimed and wounded, those who lie in the silence of death or the pain of disfigurement for the warmongering policies of an alien nation whose fifth column grips the nexus of American politics and media.

Now, thank God, the apple-pie, conservative American is also beginning to see the evil of this war, for this war was not only unjust to the hapless Iraqis who have watched their children die by the tens of thousands, but to every true interest of the American people. They are beginning to wake up to the fact that holding Americans without charge or trial is a violation of everything American, that torture is evil no matter who does it or for what motives. They realize that no President has the right to sacrifice an American son or daughter for any other nation than our own. Not only was the war completely unnecessary and unjustified, it has been the main ingredient of the destruction of the very liberties and individual rights that are at the core of America.

Americans are waking to the fact that our troops would do much better and be much safer securing the American border with Mexico than the Iraqi border with Syria. There is infinitely more danger to the American heritage and way of life from Mexico than from some Mideast Satrap. The president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, talks openly about Reconquista of America and considers every one of the millions of Mexicans in the United States as citizens of Mexico and even allows them to vote. He is far more dangerous to us than a hundred Saddam Husseins.

And finally, Joe sixpack and Sally soccer mom are getting an inkling of all this. And I am glad that I have had at least some role in bringing about this awareness.

As you know, I am the guy the media loves to hate. In fact, in “Google news alerts” I find that the big media uses my name in vain almost daily as the icon of everything that’s wrong with the average European American. They seek to use my name as the symbol of the evils of racism and anti-Semitism, symbols I obviously reject. But, many Americans are now beginning to see something quite different in me than the hateful image presented against me.

They see that I was one of the few American commentators on the “right” who traveled America and the world before this war and spoke out completely honestly about the “weapons of mass destruction” lie. Even Patrick Buchanan accepted the weapons lies although he opposed the war that he later supported.

I was one of the few men worldwide who dared to tell the obvious truth that this was a war conceived, orchestrated, and facilitated by Jewish supremacists for the State of Israel in total disregard for American lives, the American economy and true American interests in the Mideast and around the world.

I, a man that the media paints as the ultimate symbol of hate and human intolerance, have been a steady, unwavering voice against torture, against the killing and maiming of innocents, against violations of both our Constitution and the crimes against humanity that have now become a prevailing policy of the world’s only superpower.

But, ladies and gentlemen, don’t expect me to win any Nobel Peace Prizes; they are reserved for terrorist mass murderers such as Menachem Begin. Don’t expect me to win any tolerance awards from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (the ADL). For opposition of Jewish supremacist intolerance is painted as the worst of human rights violations and Amnesty International doesn’t even defend those who are jailed for criticizing Jewish extremism!

People often ask me what I actually stand for, what I believe in terms of America and the world. So be it.

Here are some of the things I believe in:

I stand for the right of all peoples to preserve their heritage and independence in their own homelands. And that this right certainly includes European-American nations.

I stand for American interests to be first and foremost in all of our foreign policies. I oppose the control of foreign policy by any foreign nation and specifically believe the Jewish supremacist, International Zionist Movement is the greatest danger to world peace and to America itself. Israeli power over America’s Foreign policies resulted in the tragedy of 9/11 and will lead to many more tragedies in its pursuit of unending global war.

I oppose globalism, colonialism, and the international corporate structure that destroys the heritage, values, health and environment of the planet as well as the economic security and well-being of every working American.

I oppose the deployment of American troops around the world. I believe in George Washington’s maxim to be enemies of none but friends to all nations who treat us respectfully.

I support the complete cutoff of support to the criminal state of Israel, a terrorist rogue nation that has even made terrorist attacks against the United States as well as committed espionage against us. I believe that Israel is not an ally of the United States but an enemy nation that has treacherously harmed America. In diplomatic circles America should join the world community in supporting the long-suffering Palestinian people.

I believe every nation has the right to protect and secure its borders, its heritage, and its values. The greatest physical threat to the American and European way of life is the uncontrolled immigration that is in effect ethnically cleansing our homeland nations.

I believe that at the same time America and Europe secure their borders, we must remove ourselves from the internal affairs of the Muslim and other non-European nations. This is the way to peace between the cultures, peoples, and religions of the world.

In the scope of domestic American policy, I support the following:

I believe in an immediate and orderly pullout of all American forces from Iraq and an immediate deployment of those troops in what ever number is required to completely stop the influx of illegal immigrants over the Mexican-American border.

With the return of America’s armed forces from Iraq and other Zionist-sponsored wars, the first thing we should do with the huge savings is to make sure that every working American has full and affordable medical insurance, including complete dental coverage.

I oppose both outsourcing and insourcing of American jobs. I am for fair trade not free trade. I believe our nation should not interfere in the internal workings of other nations and that every nation must first be a dedicated representative of its own people.

I am firmly opposed to any sort of Government forced racial, ethnic or religious mixing. The freedom to create distinct communities, schools and entities actually creates more choices for people to live in an environment where they are more empowered and happy.

I have no fear of equal rights, as I am confident in the abilities of my own people; I oppose the racial discrimination of so-called affirmative action which specifically discriminates against the better-qualified individuals.

If real freedom of speech and press is to be reality, the Zionist-controlled American media monopolies must be broken up. Laws protecting real dissent in media must be enacted. For instance, in all major media, advertising must be accepted at competitive rates for all political viewpoints.

Finally, we must have real campaign finance reform.

Special interest money and PACs must be taken completely out the political process in America. During election time, big media must allocate public service time to all qualified candidates. Numerous debates and other opportunities must be offered for all candidates to present themselves and their policies to the voters. At election time the postal system should allow a free series of mailings from every candidate to present their issues to the voters. We need to select our leaders by their ideas and how they present them rather than how much special interest money comes from than 1 percent of population that comprises the oligarchs of money and media.

These are the things that I believe in, and I believe, just as with my position on the Iraq War, that the vast majority of Americans believe as I do these basic points. The problem is that we have no real democracy in America. Every poll in every European and American nation shows most people want a halt to immigration and an end to affirmative action. I am absolutely sure that most of our people want our own nation’s interests put ahead of any foreign power such as Israel. It is time we demand real democracy for America and all Western nations, the will of the people must be heard over the oligarchs of privilege and power.

We have an oligarchy of media and money power that is destroying the true interests and freedoms of the American people and enveloping the world in the evils of war and oppression.

If you agree with me, let me hear from you.

Don’t sit idly by one more second.

The time has come to be a man or woman who not only knows the truth, but who tells the truth!