One of the most commonly-repeated claims made by the Zio-Supremacists in “justifying” their campaign of mass slaughter in Gaza is to allege that Israel is “under siege by Hamas rockets”—and that only the “Iron Dome” system has prevented these rockets from killing thousands of Israelis etc.
The Jewish Supremacist-controlled mass media—designed for Goyim consumption—repeats this claim over and over, and it is also parroted by the puppets in the US Government such as White House Deputy Spokesman Eric Schultz who just yesterday said that US taxpayer money given to Israel is “part of our commitment to working with the State of Israel is the significant resources we’ve done on the Iron Dome to help Israel protect its citizens.”
The Israeli government has claimed—and had its lies repeated by the mass media—that the Iron Dome system has a “90 percent rocket interception rate.”

Here is the typical Palestinian “rocket.” It lands out in the countryside and can’t even cause a hole in the highway. The picture below shows the horrific high tech explosive power of Israel’s rockets. As you can see, it is a huge crater right in the middle of a city, and it kills any person within hundreds of feet of its impact point.
All of this is one big fat Zio-lie.
Firstly, as the Israeli Defence Force’s own blog has revealed, Iron Dome System—now funded to the tune of nearly a billion dollars by the US taxpayer, is actually a flop.
The IDF website reports that the Iron Dome system has a success rate—calculated as the difference between the number of rockets launched by the number of rockets intercepted by the Iron Dome system—of around 20 percent.
Secondly, the Israeli government claims of a “90 percent success rate”—repeated mindlessly by its puppets in Washington—are carefully concealed lies.
A careful look at the wording of their claims reveals the deception:
“Israel’s Iron Dome interceptor has shot down some 90 percent of Palestinian rockets it engaged during this week’s surge of Gaza fighting..”
Note the condition: “90 percent of Palestinian rockets it engaged”—in other words, they are making that statistic up based purely on the number of incoming rockets they have engaged, rather than out of the total number of rockets fired.
As the IDF blog reveals, the number of rockets they engage is tiny fraction of the incoming rockets—hence making out the “90 percent” claim to be an outright lie.
They are however lying for a purpose. The claims about Iron Dome are there for a reason. The Zio-liars are trying to create the impression through the media that they are facing a “deadly barrage” of rockets from Gaza, and what they are doing to Gaza is only what the Gazans would be doing to Israel unless it were for “Iron Dome” saving everybody’s lives.

In reality, the Gaza “rockets” are little more than home-made spot-welded pipes fired by fertilizer and sugar, whereas the Israeli missiles are highly sophisticated and deadly guided missiles.
There is no comparison between the two weapons—and claims that the “Iron Dome” is “saving Israel” is nothing but a lie, built to serve the Jewish Supremacists’ propaganda purposes.