“To put it more bluntly: over 47 Lebanese civilians were slaughtered for each Jewish Israeli civilian death” The Lobby and the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon: Their Facts and Ours By…

America Must Fight for Independence Again! “Ladies and gentleman we must on this Independence Day, 2006, dedicate ourselves to winning the freedom of the American people once more!” — Dr.…

America Must Fight for Independence Again! “Ladies and gentleman we must on this Independence Day, 2006, dedicate ourselves to winning the freedom of the American people once more!” — Dr.…

A Frank Discussion of Jewish Group Dynamics By Curt Maynard I have long thought about writing this article but hesitated because I didn’t want the reader to conclude that I…

My Conversation With Joe Scarborough on MSNBC: What I didn’t get to say and my comments Here is the conversation word for word with Joe Scarborough on the MSNBC program…