Governor Richard Lamm reveals how to destroy a nation We know Dick Lamm as the former Governor of Colorado. In that context his thoughts are particularly poignant. Recently he spoke…

 Download .Jerusalem Post attacks The leading newspaper of Israel and the most important Jewish newspaper anywhere in the world save perhaps the New York Times has launched an attack…

Recently, there was an editorial about a controversial speaker at Hamilton College. It stated that if David Duke were invited to speak at Hamiliton college that it would be “rightly…

by Chad Powers “You’d have to be a recent immigrant from Outer Mongolia not to know of the role that people with Jewish names play in the coarsening of our…

Abraham Foxman, a Jewish supremacist for Israel and multiculturalist for America. Abraham Foxman: Jewish Supremacist story by Jeff Hooks — introduction and commetns by David Duke If Jewish supremacist hypocrisy…

How the SPLC Lies About Our Movement and Leaders The latest Duke Report exposes a SPLC attack on the European American Unity and Leadership Conference in New Orleans. The SPLC…

Jewish Supremacism: A Modern Day Bookburning David Duke The Canadian government has now officially banned my book Jewish Supremacism. Canadian Customs officials routinely seize and burn the book from Canadian…

Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith 1 – Introduction The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, or ADL for short, presents itself as…