
Oregon Schools Reduced to Four Day Weeks

The desperate shortage of money on the state and local level due to the incompetence of Democrat rule and the burden of 20 million illegal aliens is beginning to bite elsewhere in America besides the larger states like California and Florida with their record high unemployment, where the first alarming signs of a Depression occurred.

The Seattle Times reports: “Klamath County [Oregon] School officials are considering cutting the school week to four days to save the district $6.3 million annually. The Herald and News reported that the shortened week is one of many money-saving measures school officials are considering. District Superintendent Greg Thede says that a $5.8 million cut to his $60 million budget and nearly 20 layoffs last year prompted the district to form a committee to study the option of cutting Fridays from the school week. He says that school days Monday through Thursday would be longer to meet state hourly requirements.”

That’s also a one day less work per week for school employees. Many of these people were barely scraping by and a 20 percent pay cut would hit especially hard.

When you think about it, this plan will really wreck a lot of families’ schedules. The new hours could keep the kids in school until five o’clock, and so they have to be picked up and returned home at rush hour when lumbering school buses will not be welcome on the roads. It will also cut them loose completely on Fridays, when more often than not both parents have to work. Many parents will have to take one day off per week (assuming their companies will let them) or get someone to supervise their children, which is easier said than done. A few families may have helpful grandparents living nearby who will help out, but most will not. Leaving teenagers unsupervised is a recipe for disaster.

Barack Obama is certainly keeping his word on one thing: He’s giving us change alright, invariably for the worse.