Tamar Jacoby: The Little-Known Driving Force Pushing for Illegal Alien Amnesty
By Michael Collins Piper
Americans need to know precisely who is playing a critical part in shaping their nation’s policies and that’s why Americans need to know Tamar Jacoby. You may have never heard of her, but she’s influential in manipulating current attitudes and policies on the question of immigration.
Historically and traditionally, most Americans (especially self-styled “conservatives” who have long and rightly been critics of the immigration invasion) would be surprised to learn that an influential so-called “conservative activist”—the aforementioned Ms. Jacoby— had been responsible for the behind-the-scenes deal-making that led to the U.S. Senate’s adoption of a measure that will grant amnesty to at least 12 million—some say as many as 20 million—illegal aliens now in this country.
In the old days, the conservatives were in the forefront of fighting untrammeled immigration. But times have changed, and now that a powerful new brand of globally oriented, internationally minded conservative thinking reigns supreme in the upper reaches of the Republican Party, it was Ms. Jacoby who was a major player in hammering out the vaunted “compromise” on immigration now being debated for a presumed final showdown in Congress.
One of the “young lions” of the hard-line pro-Israel “neo-conservative” clique that dominates a wide array of public policy groups and think tanks in official Washington—and which also remains firmly entrenched inside the power centers of the Bush administration, telling the president what to think and when to think it—Ms. Jacoby currently serves as a fixture at the Manhattan Institute, a neo-conservative plotting stable.
Ms. Jacoby has been a ubiquitous figure in the debate over immigration (and race relations) in the United States for some time now. Recently, Ms. Jacoby has put a lot of her effort into convincing grass-roots Republican Party activists, small business owners, farmers and ranchers that they need to work together (and with advocates for illegal immigrants) to forge a new immigration policy for the United States that promotes the grandly themed cause of “globalization”— something that many informed folks believe is dangerous not only to American sovereignty but also injurious to the needs of American workers.
The Washington Post reported on May 21— in an article touting Ms. Jacoby as someone just so special—that Ms. Jacoby “has also tried to rally conservatives with arguments that immigrants are good for the economy and therefore good for the country.” Ms. Jacoby is cited as having propounded the theme that “A healthy economy, legality, assimilation—those are all things that conservatives believe in. I’m not ceding those values to anyone.”
Any time the very reliably liberal Washington Post finds a conservative—such as Ms. Jacoby—palatable, a traditional conservative in the old-line American sense should know something is wrong.
The truth is, though, that in many respects, Ms. Jacoby recalls the thinking of the late former President Ronald Reagan, an enthusiastic believer in rolling out the red carpet for immigration, and who—in 1986—signed legislation granting amnesty to many illegal aliens already in place in the United States at the time. Thus, in that sense, Ms. Jacoby is very much a Reaganite, although many Reagan admirers today have forgotten that their hero had been involved in opening up America’s borders in such a substantial way, setting the stage for the immigration invasion that followed.
Boasting a remarkable resume rife with multiple ties to big names in the elite media, Ms. Jacoby is a former deputy editor of the op-ed page of The New York Times and a former senior editor of Newsweek. She was also married to the late Eric Breindel—another “ex-Trotskyite”- turned-neo-conservative— who was an influential editor of billionaire Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post where Breindel made the paper a screaming and enthusiastic torch-bearer for international Zionism.
Like her late ex-husband, who was once dubbed “the connection man” because of his own deep-rooted and wide-ranging influence in Zionist circles, Ms. Jacoby is known for her ethnic and cultural sympathies for Israel.
Actually, it should be no surprise that Ms. Jacoby— considering her ties to the Jewish lobby—should be in the forefront of the so-called efforts to “reform” American immigration policy. As Dr. Kevin MacDonald, a professor at California State University at Long Beach, demonstrated in his landmark study— Jewish Involvement in Influencing United States Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review— American Jewish organizations and activists were key figures in the array of legislative maneuvers that eviscerated America’s theretofore restrictive immigration measures. MacDonald’s paper, published in the journal, Population and Environment, 19, 295-355 in 1998, has been reprinted on MacDonald’s web site at kevinmacdonald. net.
One would be remiss in failing to note that the very well-connected Ms. Jacoby is also a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York-based “junior” cousin of the London-based Royal Institute for International Affairs, which acts as the foreign policy arm of the international Rothschild banking dynasty, patrons of Israel and Zionist schemes.
The worldwide tentacles of the super capitalists in the Rothschild sphere of influence have long locked onto open borders, population transfers and the so-called “globalization” of the economy. The globalists can rely on their agents in place—such as Ms. Jacoby— to be peddling their propaganda line as Ms. Jacoby and her neo-conservative allies are doing today.
(Issue #23, June 4, 2007, AMERICAN FREE PRESS)
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