
Billboards critical of Israel removed

Posted by Letters editor— Adrienne Weller, Seattle

Legitimizing crime Clear Channel Outdoor, like King County, while hypocritically supporting free-speech rights in theory, bowed to the pro-Israel groups’ apparent demand for censorship of the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign [“Billboards critical of Israel deemed offensive, removed,” NWFriday, April 29].

SEAMAC only wished to inform the public that U.S. taxpayers are forced to spend billions annually to support Zionist-Israeli assaults of Palestinians. It almost makes you think that we don’t live in a democracy.

As a Jewish American who has protested this abusive U.S. foreign policy for years, I also demand that Zionists and the U.S. government stop hiding behind Jews to give their crimes legitimacy.

The Jewish tradition of fighting for the underdog and standing up for justice contradicts the existence of Israel and all the underhanded policies that keep it alive.
