
Obama Promises to “Stand Steadfast with Israel”

obama-souZionist puppet Barack Obama, the “President of Peace” who has killed more people with drone attacks than even his predecessor, has demonstrated his total servility to Jewish Supremacism once again in his State of the Union address.

Although the economic crisis and the serious political disputed on Capitol Hill were at the focus of Obama’s address before a joint session of Congress’ two chambers on Tuesday, he did address the situation in the Middle East as well, stating that his country “We will stand steadfast with Israel in pursuit of security and a lasting peace.”

His remarks received a standing ovation from both Democratic and Republican representatives.

Obama also promised to deal with Iran, saying: “We will do what is necessary to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon.”

The sickening hypocrisy of these statements marks a new low in even the dreadful record of American servility to Israel and the Jewish lobby.

Israel is the single largest threat to world stability, and is a state founded on hate, the suppression of human liberty and the displacement of the Palestinian people. It is the Middle East’s only nuclear power, and has actively threatened not only its neighbors with nuclear destruction, but has actually threatened even Europe with destruction (see Israel’s “Samson Option” here).

Israel has an overtly anti-African, and anti-non-Jewish immigration policy. It has expelled thousands of African asylum seekers, and only allows in Jews who can prove their racial ancestry.

All this is completely contrary to the policies which Obama promotes in America—and which the Jewish lobby in America promotes for Americans.

How does Obama square up supporting an overtly racist, anti-African state with his own domestic policies? Or even his own mixed racial background?

The obvious contradiction between Obama’s domestic and foreign policies can only be explained by his submission to the Jewish lobby and its dictates.

He knows full well that the two policies are complete opposites—but he also knows that the Jewish Supremacists who control the mass media will cover up this contradiction and not discuss it in public.

In this way, the “President of Peace” and Nobel Peace Prize winner can still pretend to be “promoting justice” on the international stage, while in reality being personally responsible for supporting a rogue outlaw, racist and chauvinist state.