
New Revealing Video Called Talmudic Judaism

New Revealing Video Called Talmudic Judaism

This video is more than highly recommended, it is really a must watch for anyone to fully understand the hyper-racist foundations within Judaism and the real nature of the Zionist “Jewish State.”
This video has a tremendous power to it, and Ares has done best editing work yet. It has state of the art effects, but woven together in a way that looks like it was not done for effect but is a naturally moving tapestry of video that creates a mood and power through its pacing and illustration and editing techniques.
I consider it nothing less than a masterpiece and one that should make every racial supremacist,  extremist Jew go wild. Why? – Because the facts are irrefutable. No wonder they have already got the video removed from some sites.
Here is a new link:
Talmudic Judaism – Dr. William Pierce on Vime0
