
More Zionist Hasbara from WND'S Jerusalem Bureau

WorldNetDaily Smears Yasser Arafat

By James Buchanan

The Jerusalem office of WorldNetDaily has “bravely” smeared Yasser Arafat accusing him of having died of AIDS and worse. I won’t even list the url for this article since it’s the worst piece of Jewish deceit I’ve seen in a long time.

The WND article by Aaron Klein which came out of the Jerusalem office of WorldNetDaily couldn’t possibly be ZIONIST PROPAGANDA, could it?

Yasser Arafat was killed by a mystery poison by Israeli assassins. David Duke was almost killed by a very exotic poison most likely served up on an El Al Flight after Duke took a trip to Palestine. That’s how the Zionists like to kill high profile enemies –discreetly.

Yasser Arafat had taken part in too many peace conferences and was recognized by too many foreign governments for the Israelis to simply murder him directly the way they killed American peace protester Rachel Corrie or British peace protester Tom Hurndall.

Then there was Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire who was among a number of people shot by Israeli troops at a nonviolent protest of the “apartheid wall” in the Palestinian village of Bil’in, near Ramallah. Why didn’t this make the news? I don’t recall an article in WorldNetDaily covering this.

There’s a whole website devoted to peace protesters shot or injured by Israelis which can be found here.

The charges in that WND article are barely worth addressing, but briefly:

1).If Arafat did have AIDS there would have been records or stories or rumors of him getting HIV suppressant drugs for however long he had the disease. Arafat went from being healthy to dying very suddenly of multiple organ failure much more typical of someone being poisoned.

2).Arafat in his last 20 years was always overweight and never took on the emaciated appearance that AIDS sufferers often have.

3).Arafat’s sexual preference appeared to be completely heterosexual as suggested by his much younger wife.

The neocons and their disgusting puppets in the talk show circuit seem to be all too happy to repeat the most disgusting slanders against Muslim leaders, which in fact reveal the depraved nature of the Israelis who invent these sick accusations.

July 12th, 2007


Article Source: WhiteCivilRights.com
