
Mexican Beheading North of the Border

The Arizona Republic reports: “Chandler police are investigating the bizarre case of a man who was stabbed, decapitated and left in a pool of blood in a central city apartment. One man has been arrested and police are seeking three more suspects in what may the city’s first beheading. ‘We don’t get too many cases where the victim has been decapitated,’ said Chandler Police Det. Frank Mendoza. The man police arrested in the case, Crisantos Moroyoqui, 36, is an undocumented immigrant who lived across the way from the murder scene. He rented a bed for $100 a month in a small apartment shared by five other day laborers. He had lived there three months, his roommates said Monday.”

Sound familiar. How many apartments like this are there in your neighborhood?

The Republic continues: “He spent Sunday morning drinking across the walkway with the victim and three other men. The other four had just arrived this past weekend, neighbors said. No one knew them well. But two other men who went to sleep about 4:30 a.m. saw the five men still drinking. Before going to bed, they saw the victim alive and well with Moroyoqui and three other Hispanic males in the living room, police said. Sometime between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m., one of the four visitors, a Hispanic male in his 30s, was stabbed, decapitated and left in a pool of blood.”

At first I thought this was a drug gang dispute. The drinking part of the story suggested a mindless drunken crime. But the story takes a strange alarming twist. The Arizona Republic notes “Neighbors reported seeing candles burning in the apartment. The men also used a Ouija Board, also known as a spirit board, neighbors said. Empty cases of Bud Light beer were evident Monday, as was a large red stain in the carpet. Police would not comment Monday on whether they are looking into the possibility that the four men were practicing a ritual that involves decapitations. Nor would they say whether drugs were involved.”

This case has everything that makes the multicultural experience in 21st century American life: Five Mexicans jammed into a one-room apartment, drunk in the early morning hours outside on Bud Lite, a little voodoo or Santeria and finally blood and guts and a severed head.

Where are all those people who keep telling us “Diversity is good”? Oh that’s right, they’re liberal academics and politicians who live in lily-white suburbs. Anyone who gets to see Diversity up close and personal, will quickly decide that Diversity is destroying America.