
Marc Lemire Turns the Tables on Zionist Spy Agency in Federal Court!

Marc Lemire Scores Monumental Victory over the CHRC – Spying Operations to be exposed!

Tribunal rules that Internet Spy Dean Steacy has to return to witness stand to answer questions on possible entrapment of Marc Lemire and Conservative website FreeDominion

OTTAWA : Shockwaves are rattling through the befuddled Section 13 pre-crime enforcers at the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), as a monumental decision was handed down by CHRT (Tribunal) Vice-Chairman Athanasios Hadjis. The ruling forces CHRC senior Investigator and internet spy, Dean Steacy to return to the witness stand to answer questions under oath on his internet spying operations against Marc Lemire and the popular conservative website – FreeDominion.

Against the vigorous chest-beating of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Attorney General of Canada, Richard Warman and the B’nai Brith Group (Canadian Jewish Congress and Simon Wiesenthal Centre), on March 3, 2008 the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled the following: (…Full Article)

Marc Lemire’s upcoming CHRC challenge on March 25th will likely be the turning point toward restoring Free Speech to Canadians, below, fellow CHRC victim Arthur Topham helps us sort out the many players and details in this heroic struggle against Zionist tyranny — admin:

How the Canadian Human Rights Commission violates the rule of law by Ezra Levant (with commentary by Arthur Topham)

[An interesting dynamic is developing around the CHRC drama now unfolding here in Canada.

Prior to Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn being dragged, kicking and screaming, into a public foray that had, hitherto, been the sole arena of mainly white, Christian players, overall publicity surrounding cases of Human Rights Commission abuse was heavily influenced in a negative way against the victims, be they Malcolm Ross or Doug Collins or Canada’s most heinous example of all, that of Ernst Zundel who now rots in a German prison cell thanks to the despicable machinations of the Canadian courts, the HRCs, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada and their various political courtiers and syncophants. Along with the disgusting actions of these government agents one needs to also include the mainstream media which inevitably joined in the vileness and the calumny associated with such attacks. The media of course, being for the most part exclusively owned and controlled by Zionist Jews, relished roasting Zundel upon their monopolist spit while at the same time enhancing the brainwashing of Canadians into further belief that Zundel was somehow an imminent threat to Canadian security.

Now, for some strange reason (possibly karma or divine retribution?), the tables have been turned and for the first time (from what I’ve been able to glean) we have two Jewish stars on the rise in the new firmament of political correctness who are reluctantly on the defensive rather than the usual offensive as has always been the case with complaints of this nature in the past. As Levant states below concerning Marc Lemire’s chart of HRC victims, even though he finds Lemire’s website to contain “white supremicist overtones” he nonetheless could not find fault with Lemire’s research that proved only white, mostly Christian people were the recipients of HRC vendettas.

But did Levant then go on to elaborate upon how many of those cases such as Malcolm Ross and Doug Collins and Ernst Zundel were instigated by Jews from either the B’nai Brith or the Canadian Jewish Congress or the Simon Weisenthal Centre or some other Jewish organization? Good gosh no! What purpose would that serve other than to draw the public’s attention closer to the ultimate source of all of this conflict in the first place. No, better to divert people’s attention away from the Jews and ultimately their Zionist-induced agenda and onto their pet peeve of the day, the radical Muslim Jihadists and any others of similar ilk lurking about the fringes of truly mainstream, Canadian society.

Why, Levant bemoans, aren’t the HRCs going after radical Sikh secessionalists and Tamil Tigers and the traditional lineage of white, ethnic Christian victims like Ross and Collins and Zundel and Lemire and Topham and other similar “poor shleps” instead of making center-jobs of such noble, law-abiding Jews like Levant and Steyn? Why indeed. As Levant goes on to state, with respect to the forementioned Arab/Muslims, the media has already done such a bang up job of convincing Canadians that these groups are the real terrorists and danger. In his words, “There is no shortage of news on each of those groups….” There never is in the Zionist-controlled media but there is also never a mention of those Jews and/or Jewish organizations who lobby and connive endlessly to superimpose their own political agenda upon the overall Canadian landscape.

So now we have HRCs with a sudden and new twist and a challenge to the very instigators of such tribunals. Blowback time? The time of the Quickening? It will be very interesting to see how Levant and Steyn go about thwarting their “illiberal” enemy and keeping the real culprit in this game of deception (Political Zionism) hidden from the masses of Canadian internet users while they battle the very monster that they themselves created.]

How the Canadian Human Rights Commission violates the rule of law
By Ezra Levant

The opposite of the “rule of law” is the “rule of man”. Canadians love the rule of law so dearly because it makes us feel safe: we know what to expect in life; we know if we follow the rules, the police won’t capriciously arrest us. There will be no knock on our door in the middle of the night. We won’t be arrested without a proper reason. The rule of law gives us confidence when we deal with the state and its officers, even its policemen, even its prime ministers. Because we know that they are our servants and that, if anything, they are bound by more rules than we are. They only hold the power that we give them, and they only hold it in trust for us. (…Full Article)


A Secret Trial by Ezra Levant (with commentary by Arthur Topham)[Arthur Topham: While the following article by Ezra Levant is important in the overall understanding of how these Human Rights Commissions (HRCs) function as tools of state/political censorship it is also important to take heed of some of the subtleties embedded within it, especially as they pertain to those accused victims who are not, like Levant and Steyn, either Jewish or both Jewish and pro-Zionist as in the case of Steyn. The reason I make mention of this point is because of the consistency, found within both of their defensive arguments, of making disparaging comments against the rest of us who have been accused of various crimes by the HRCs and thus pretentiously assuming that the HRCs are being frivolous in charging us because, as both Steyn and Levant blatantly state, we are little more than “losers”, “marginal” or “oddball” citizens who don’t warrant being noticed in the first place.

Considering that their own cases are being buttressed in a very critical way by the supreme and relentless efforts on the part of Marc Lemire and his Internet Freedom Defence Team consisting of Paul Fromm and lawyers Barbara Kulaszka and Doug Christie, all of whom have exposed the dangerous machinations of the HRCs, one would expect just a tad of due respect for these people rather than the needless, arrogant references which Levant and Steyn intersperse within their otherwise poignant commentaries.

If Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn are going to accuse the HRCs of hypocrisy and bigotry then maybe they ought to reconsider their own tactic of ethically or morally divorcing their own cases from those of the others involved and start working pro-actively and positively with them rather than exploiting the efforts of others while, at the same time, dismissing their respective political viewpoints as being unworthy of any serious merit.

Psychologically (and politically) speaking I see this as a very telling point for both Levant and Steyn and therefore bring it to the reader’s attention.]

A Secret Trial
By Ezra Levant

One of the hallmarks of justice in a liberal democracy is transparency. In extreme circumstances there are secret trials in Canada, or trials that are open to the public but that are covered by publication bans, but such secrecy is only permitted for very unusual and overwhelming reasons — such as to protect the identity of a child victim of a crime, or for true national security reasons. Secret trials, such as those conducted in the Star Chamber, are notoriously susceptible to abuse, and erode public confidence in the administration of justice. (…Full Article)

March 25th should be interesting
By Ezra LevantIf I’m reading this order correctly, March 25th may become known as Black Tuesday at the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

That’s when Marc Lemire — one of the few Canadians who has had the energy and legal resources to fight back against the CHRC’s section 13 thought crimes steamroller — will be allowed to cross examine commission staff about their “undercover” activities on the Internet. Judging by what Lemire has uncovered so far — such as an Edmonton Police “hate crimes” officer posting anti-Semitic and anti-Aboriginal bigotry on the Internet — it’s sure to be a blockbuster.

(It’s deeply disturbing that “hate crimes” police — I’m not talking about human rights keystone cops now, but real police officers — publish such bigotry on the taxpayers’ dime, and all in the name of keeping the peace. One must ask: at what point is the “fake” hatred generated by the police a larger problem than the “real” hatred that exists already on society’s fringes? And, really, is there any moral difference between the two, other than the police claim they don’t really mean it? At what point does the cure become worse than the disease?)(…Full Article)
Read more of Ezra Levant’s commentaries on this topic
Read more from Arthur Topham at RadicalPress.com

InPaul Fromm on the Marc Lemire CHRC Spying Case
