
Latest Media Blurb "Ferraro Likened to David Duke"

Latest media example of Ferraro likened to David Duke

The New York Post added another headline on the likening of former Congresswoman and Vice-Presidential Candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, to David Duke. It happened because Ferraro told the obvious truth that Obama’s race is the main reason why he is the leading contender for the Democrat nomination. She also told the truth when she said that racism can be two-sided; that one can be racist against Whites just as one can be racist against Blacks. (Read Dr. David Duke’s powerful letter to MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann showing clearly why Obama’s race is the overriding factor in his lead for the nomination-staff)

There is, however, a big difference between Ferraro and Duke, Ferraro has spoken the racial truth about this lone issue, but former Representative, Dr. David Duke dares to tell the truth about every political issue, even when it is unpopular in the liberal media.

If Ferraro is really opposed to discrimination against Whites (and not just when it affects her candidate of choice), why doesn’t she speak out against the massive racial discrimination against White people called “affirmative action.” As a leading women’s rights advocate, why doesn’t she speak out about and attempt to stop the epidemic of brutal Black violence against White women?

The clear, media racism against Whites in America is illustrated by the Duke University Lacrosse players scandal. White students at Duke were accused of raping a Black stripper (an obvious hoax on many counts), and this alleged rape of one Black stripper was a non-stop national news for over a year. White people as a group were scathed repeatedly in the media for a “climate of racism and violence against Black people.” Whites were slandered as a race for this one patently absurd case. Yet, In in the year before the Duke scandal (2005), U.S. Justice Department Crime reports revealed that there were 37,460 rapes or sexual attacks by Black males against White women  — and less than 10, that’s right (ten), White male attacks against Black women. The media plays up every White attack, or alleged White attack on Blacks, but hides the horrendous national scandal and tragedy of 37,460 White women attacked by Black males.

So we, the webmasters at www.davidduke.com, say that when the liberal media condemns Ferraro for telling the truth about Obama’s popularity by saying she is like David Duke, it shouldn’t be a slander, it should be a compliment. In truth, she is not really like David Duke, because she has only a fraction of David Duke’s political honesty and courage. Here are the first paragraphs from the article, “Bonfire of the Dems,” in The New York Post.  –staff

Bonfire of the Dems

March 14, 2008 — WHEN an unimpeachably liberal former Democratic vice-presidential candidate is likened to David Duke by a liberal media hero, the political apocalypse – or at least a grievance-politics cataclysm – is upon us.

In one of his sputtering-mad “special comments” usually devoted to damning President Bush to hell, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC accused Geraldine Ferraro of employing the “vocabulary of David Duke,” and of “insidious racism that is at least two decades old.