
Land Grabbing Zionists Beat Santa in Bethlehem

Israelis Beat Up Santa Claus Again

By Charles Coughlin EURO

Remember last year when some Israeli thugs beat up a man dressed as Santa Claus. One news article back then reported “He’s Jewish in every way, but on New Year’s Eve, Alexei Shtukin (42) decided to dress up as Santa Claus ‘just for fun,’ and paid for his decision dearly. He was set upon by a gang of youths at the Dome nightclub in Tel Aviv, and beaten in front of his family. Youths were heard shouting, ‘dead Christian.’ ”

I’m sure many White people thought that could never happen again. Well they’re wrong. This time Israeli soldiers performed the ritual Santa Claus beating. An AFP article reports “Israeli guards beat five demonstrators, including one dressed as Father Christmas, during a protest on Friday against Israel’s separation barrier in the West Bank, organisers said. About 50 Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists attended the rally in the village of Um Salomona, near Bethlehem, the Biblical birthplace of Jesus that is preparing to celebrate Christmas. Israeli border guards armed with truncheons briefly detained one activist and beat another five during the rally, the organisers told AFP, adding that one was wearing a Santa Claus costume.”

If you still think Israeli disrespect for Christians is not a big deal, another news article reports ” Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them… On Sunday, a fracas developed when a yeshiva student spat at the cross being carried by the Armenian Archbishop during a procession near the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City…. the Armenians are far from satisfied by the police action and say this sort of thing has been going on for years.”

Americans are endlessly told to be tolerant of Jews, Muslims, Hindus and even Wiccans. It seems like the vast majority of our city, state and federal governments are openly hostile toward Christianity even though over 90 percent of Americans are brought up as Christians. The only “Christians” who are allowed any political power are the crackpot variety, like President Bush, who think the Jews are still the Chosen People, despite the fact that their Kosher ancestors murdered the Son of God and revoked any “Chosen” status they may have had.

Most normal, sane Christians don’t want any of their tax dollars going to support Israel. If these stories of Israeli abuse against Christians were reported more widely, it’s doubtful if any Christians (other than the “Bush” variety) would want a single penny going to Israel.

December 24th, 2007

Read more Charles Coughlin at WhiteCivilRights.com
