Human Diversity

Kids Told Not to Wear American Flags on Cinco de Mayo

An article from NBC Bay Area News reports: “Some parents of students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill are keeping their kids home from school after tension related to an incident involving students wearing American flag clothing on Cinco de Mayo spilled out onto the streets. The students wore T-shirts depicting the flag to school on Wednesday. Administrators told the boys the clothes could be ‘incendiary’ and asked them turn the shirts inside-out or face suspension. The boys refused so they were sent home.”

Stop the tape! Stop the tape! How can the very flag of the country that these Mexicans all want to come to and ostensibly contribute to, be in any way “incendiary” or insulting? I mean, supposedly this is the flag these people wish to live under legally.

The NBC article notes “The controversy quickly spread over the Internet and became national news. Now, the school district is sending a message to parents about the heated issue, assuring them that students will not be suspended, and that students are allowed to wear patriotic clothing… The Morgan Hill Unified School District does not prohibit nor do we discourage wearing patriotic clothing. The incident on May 5 at Live Oak High School is extremely unfortunate. While campus safety is our primary concern and administrators made decisions yesterday in an attempt to ensure campus safety….”

The truth is they DID ban the wearing of an American flag because they were afraid the Mexicans might get “upset” by it on Cinco de Mayo. There are a lot of White cowards in America who think it’s wise to walk on eggshells and always bend over backwards not to offend Blacks or Latinos for fear they’ll turn violent. If you ask them “Is it a good idea having people, who are easily offended and prone to violence in America?” They usually start choking on their coffee and can’t think of a response.

These people do not want to come here and become Americans, they want to come here, take what we have and make us Mexicans. And that includes changing the flag.