
Keith Olbermann Says Ferraro Sounds Like David Duke

Keith Olbermann on MSNBC recently attacked Geraldine Ferraro for saying she “sounds like David Duke.” Ferraro made the media mistake of simply speaking the truth that Obama would not be the front runner in the Democrat nomination for President if he were not Black. She also claimed the attacks against her were racist.

Here is my letter to Keith Olbermann on the issue.

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

I am Dr. David Duke and if Ferraro sounds like me, then well she should.

First off, I should say that I oppose Obama, Clinton and McCain with an equal-opportunity amount of disgust. I would rather put my fingers into a fire than pull the lever for any of these candidates. I will probably vote for Ralph Nader because he is the only one to stand up to the Israel lobby and our disastrous Mideast Policy that led us to the tragedy of 9-11 and the Jewish Neocon media and government orchestrated War in Iraq.

Yes, Obama is the Democrat frontrunner because of his race. If Obama were a White “John Doe” with an identical political record/Senate record and identical rhetoric, he would be a poor also-ran.

Even though he has had support among sizable percentages of liberal Democrat White voters, Obama has won most of his delegates because he has received over 90 percent of the Black vote.

Why? It is obviously not his policies. They are not much different from those of the other Democrats. For instance, in a state that should have been John Edwards’ all the way, Edward’s home state of South Carolina, he lost to Obama even though he was far more openly attentive to “Black issues” than was Obama who was trying constantly to increase his appeal to White voters while Edwards had an incredibly strong pro-black record.

And, it is not just Edwards. Certainly, the Black bloc vote in at least half of Obama’s winning states made the difference, and the Black bloc vote would not be there if he were a White man running against Hillary’s slavishly pro-Black record. Remember, Hillary’s worse half, Bill, was called the first Black president of the United States and the whole Clinton family has been adored by Black people across America.

Obama, then, got the over ninety percent Black bloc vote because he was a Black brother, period. If he were a White man saying the same thing, he would have received far fewer black votes than Clinton or Edwards.

It is true that a number of self-hating, White liberals have been ecstatic over a Black man possibly becoming President of the United States. So, tell me that has nothing to do with his race!

They see nothing in the least ironic about a Black man running for President of the United States who is a leading member of an openly racist Black church that proclaims its true loyalty to Africa rather than America.

So, everything Ferraro said was absolutely correct and it is a perfect example of America’s controlled media to deny what is an obvious truth when it comes to the actual racial dynamics at work in this nation.

Blacks can be for their own people first. Jews can be for their own people first, in fact even put Israel over America. Mexicans can be for their own people first. But Whites are not even allowed to defend their civil rights and oppose the endemic racial discrimination against Whites called affirmative action.

I like some of the comments you have made against the Iraq War, but your latest comments against Ferraro smack of racism and are in complete disregard of the truth.

Ferraro, a White women, has been attacked for saying the same thing that countless Black leaders have stated — that Black people are proud that they have the chance to vote for an African American for president. So,  if Ferraro is attacked because she is a White person saying the same thing as Black leaders, that’s clear racism. She is being attacked not because of what she is saying, but because she is White and is saying it.

Ferraro spoke the truth, and if she sounds like me then she well should, simply because I tell the truth about this issue in media as well as on the website that carries my name. If you doubt this letter is authentically mine, you can go to my website and read a copy of it.

If you dare, I would be happy to debate this issue with you any place, any time.

Dr. David Duke
Former Member of the House of Representatives
State of Louisiana.