
A Salute to John Tyndall 14/7/1934 – 18/7/2005

19th July 2005

John Tyndall, White Patriot, Passes On

From David Duke—

It saddens my heart to learn of the death of a long time friend, John Tyndall. But, he was far more than a friend, he was a leader from whom I learned much when I was younger. He stood as an example of both intellect and courage and he influenced my life greatly.

It is very distressing to know that the 2004 New Orleans Conference was our last meeting. Then, as always, he was gracious and witty. He was one of the framers of the New Orleans Protocol and every minute with him was a testimony to his shining dedication to our people. He lived and breathed our Movement, and in death his spirit will remain with us, animating our own hearts and will.

And when our day comes, when our people will regain our freedom and secure our heritage, his name will adorn many streets and parks and his image in stone will be found in more than a few places in every nation of European mankind.

Thanks John, for all you have done. You have lived an exemplary life and we salute you and wish your loved ones our deepest condolences.

BNP news team

John Tyndall was twice Chairman of the National Front (in its heyday in the 1970s) and was the Chairman of the British National Party and its predecessor organisation from 1980 – 1999.

For more than a generation, our country has been infected with cowardice. Strong men who should have played a part in resisting the destruction of our nation have been struck dumb and impotent. Few have been willing to stick their necks out to maintain any pro-British political party. John Tyndall was one of the few to do so. Without John Tyndall, it is doubtful whether the British National Party would even be in existence as a party to join.

Tyndall’s courage was legendary and his stamina undoubted. He was a fine writer with a tremendous grasp of written English, and an outstanding platform speaker.

John Tyndall leaves a wife, Valerie – who he met through their common involvement in the National Front in the 1970s – and a daughter, Marina.

(Illustration: John Tyndall speaking at the 2004 New Orleans International European American Unity and Leadership Conference)